Sow and See Them Grow

Proverbs 31:28 (TPT) Her sons and daughters arise in one accord to extol her virtues, and her husband arises to speak of her in glowing terms.

Beloved, be diligent and consistent in pouring forth wisdom and love, for in due season you will reap a harvest. Refuse to be discouraged by set backs regardless of how disheartening they may be. Love as if you will never be hurt. Love without reserve.

Parenting – whether natural parents or spiritual, is not for the faint of heart. It takes patience, depth, long-suffering, forgiveness, an ability to see and hold to the truth, and an abundance of unwavering love. You must learn to truly be like Me. But the fruit of it will come if you persist. Your children will flourish and rise up and call you blessed. How blessed you are to sow and then see them grow. Continue reading “Sow and See Them Grow”

I Lead You Rightly

Jeremiah 32:19 (VOICE) Your instructions are great, and Your actions are too wondrous for words. You see all that happens on this earth; You know what everyone does, and You deal with each fairly.

Beloved, I AM righteous and I AM fair. I AM trustworthy, and I know and see all. Resist the urge to try to take control, and instead trust My capable hands and My wise heart. I AM not biased, and I judge based on truth.

My perspective is broad, deep, and detailed. I know and understand all the hearts, motivations, and circumstances involved in every situation. You cannot say the same. Only I AM God.

The only way for you to respond fairly in any situation is to trust Me to lead. I see what you do not, but if you allow My Spirit to guide you, you can navigate with My perspective. But to do so, you must yield to Me.

Trust Me when I challenge you not to react. Responding in haste without My perspective will often lead to unnecessary hurt and confusion. When I encourage temperance it isn’t because I don’t care about your feelings or because I want to give someone a pass on their poor behavior, but rather I’m seeing things you do not. Trust Me, beloved. I lead you rightly.

Look to My Spirit to Guide

1 Corinthians 2:16 (AMP) For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes].

Beloved, My Spirit has been given to you to teach and guide you in all things. Nothing is too trivial for My notice – for if it concerns you, it concerns Me. So seek My face and ask My counsel. Be intentional about doing My will and living in a way that is pleasing to Me.

Refuse to be derailed by worldly compromises – even if others’ might see them as “not a big deal” know that anything that creates distance between us is significant and not worth partaking in. Yes, beloved, I extend grace, but resist the urge to use it lightly for it came at a high cost. Free is not without value. It is a precious, weighty gift, so walk in righteousness, and look to My Spirit to guide.

At Work in Every Moment

Jeremiah 32:27 (VOICE) Eternal One: Look! I am the Eternal, the God of all living things. Is anything too difficult for Me?

Beloved, refuse to allow Me to be made small in your eyes. Refuse to believe the lies that I do not see or My arm is too short – I AM more than able. I AM the God of heaven and earth. I AM sovereign, God Most High. My glory is infinite, it knows no end. Remind yourself who I AM and that I AM trustworthy. Leave your life in My hands.

When you see a problem in your life, don’t waste time and energy worrying over it. Instead, look to Me and ask Me for My wisdom, and My course of action. Be excited to see My creative solutions. And when you think I’ve overlooked you or forgotten to act, remind yourself that is not like Me, and be expectant for the unexpected, knowing I AM at work in every moment.

Walk in the Fullness of Freedom

2 Corinthians 3:17 (ESV) Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Beloved, refuse to remain in bondage in any area. Allow nothing to have undue hold over you and the ability to influence you beyond what it wise and good. Ask Me for wisdom to find every toehold so that each and every one can be eradicated.

The price for your freedom has already been paid. Choose to walk in the fullness of that liberty so you might be all I’ve created and called you to be. Refuse to settle. Refuse to be content with mostly free and be complacent about walking out the rest of your freedom. The cost has been paid, and beloved, it is worth the effort.

His Depths Know No Bounds

Job 36:26 (TLB) God is so great that we cannot begin to know him. No one can begin to understand eternity.

Beloved, I AM limitless. My depths know no bounds. There is always more – always more love, always more revelation, always more wisdom, always more mysteries – always more of Me. You cannot reach the ends of Me, for I AM greater than you know – but how worthy of pursuit!

Choosing to spend your life plumbing My depths is a life well spent. Bear in mind, My love, that the journey is the point. All of those precious revelations and moments along the way may not be an ultimate destination, but they are the primary purpose. Relationships are always built in the moments. Choosing to “waste” your moments on Me is never the wrong choice.

Choose What is Right

Colossians 3:16 (VOICE) Let the word of the Anointed One richly inhabit your lives. With all wisdom teach, counsel, and instruct one another…

Beloved, take the time to know My word so that in the day your counsel is needed, you might advise and instruct from a foundation of wisdom rather than opinion. Let Me shape your ideals rather than the media and world around you. Refuse to be swayed by fear and popularity, instead choose what is right in My eyes.

Resist the urge to impose your views, and rather lead by example – living a life that is rich with fruit and demonstrates Who I AM. Share wisdom when it is sought, and even then give more than just counsel (which demonstrates your own wisdom) and instead explain the reasoning behind it from My word (thus helping them learn more of Me).

Stay Teachable

Proverbs 19:20 (VOICE) Heed counsel, act on instruction, and you will become wise later in life.

Beloved, stay teachable. Keep your heart in a position to receive. Recognize My voice regardless of the vessel I use to speak to you. Refuse to allow pride or arrogance to keep you from receiving from Me. You know I love to use the foolish things to confound the wise, so stay open. My sheep know My voice.

When given wise counsel, show wisdom by implementing it. It is not enough to simply hear and receive, beloved, you must respond and take action. From a place of both humility and confidence, move in the way I have counseled you. I will not steer you wrong, nor allow you to fall when you are seeking to obey Me in earnest. Rest in Me and respond.

Divine Connections

Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NLT) Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

Beloved, I have not called you to be alone in your walk. Look around you and see the divine connections I’ve placed in your life – to encourage and exhort, comfort and inspire – you need one another. Be My love to one another and build each other up in Me.

Never replace Me with the people I put around you, but recognize My voice when it is carried on their lips. There is wisdom in a multitude of counsel. Allow iron to sharpen iron, beloved. Know that I desire you to be in fellowship with each other as with Me, I AM in your midst.

Be an Influence for Good

1 Peter 1:24 (NLT) As the Scriptures say, “People are like grass; their beauty is like a flower in the field. The grass withers and the flower fades.

Beloved, be mindful that your time on this earth is limited. Be intentional about your use of it. Refuse to squander it as well as the compulsion to work without rest. Seek My wisdom on both your call and the little day-to-day details of your life, for everything that pertains to you is important to Me – both big and small.

Though each human life may be as a vapor or a wisp, the impact of each has the capability of great influence – both for good and for evil. Choose this day how you will live and the influence you would have. Exercise wisdom by knowing My Word and walking in My ways. Be an influence for good, beloved, and leave a mark on this world – one that points to Me.