My Word is a Mighty Weapon

Proverbs 30:5 (NLT) Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.

Beloved, My Word is a mighty weapon – a two-edged sword. It is unbreakable and true. I AM your shield – put your faith in Me. Stand fast in the day of trouble and rely on your firm foundation to keep your stance secure.

I will not shake. I will not move. My Word is true, and a safety to all who cling to it, for I AM steadfast and mighty, and My Word gives keen insight that uncovers dark motives and hidden agendas. Trust in Me. Trust in My Word. Look to Me for your protection.

My Eternal Word

Isaiah 40:8 (NLT) The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.

Beloved, before the foundations of the earth, My Word existed – carried on My breath, made manifest in My creation; My Word apparent for all to see. For those who have an ear to hear and those who have an eye to see, My Word is vibrant and alive, mighty and powerful, comforting and steadfast.

I remain the same. I AM steadfast and true, faithful to My Word, and holy and righteous. My Word was made flesh – the bread of life. My Word is sustenance to strengthen and build you up. Allow Me to be your firm foundation. Rest in Me. Rely on Me. I AM life, and I AM eternal.

My Voice Thunders

Isaiah 54:17 (VOICE) But no instrument forged against you will be allowed to hurt you, and no voice raised to condemn you will successfully prosecute you. It’s that simple; this is how it will be for the servants of the Eternal; I will vindicate them.

Beloved, My voice thunders. It out blasts and supersedes every other voice. I always have the last word and My word never returns void. It always accomplishes that which it sets out to do.

My quietest whisper carries more weight than any other utterance. Fret not over the voices that surround you and instead seek Me for My word on every matter, for in the end, nothing else matters. I will have the last word and it will prevail.

Keep Your Mind Fixed on Me

Exodus 28:36 (KJV) And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it, like the engravings of a signet, Holiness To The Lord.

Beloved, keep your mind fixed on Me and My ways. Meditate on My word and let it so saturate who you are that your thoughts and deeds align with it without hesitation. Be so firmly rooted in My thoughts, that no suggestion that is in opposition – whether it be from human or spiritual origin – leads you astray.

Reject that which is not of Me and that which I declare evil. Refuse to give it place in your life. For beloved, the enemy will exploit any and every toehold he is granted, so refuse to give him access to torment you. Resist the devil and he will flee. Stand fast in truth, taking every thought captive, and offering holiness unto Me. Continue reading “Keep Your Mind Fixed on Me”

Singleminded Pursuit

Exodus 23:2 (VOICE) Even if the majority of people are doing evil, do not follow them…

Beloved, choose rightly regardless of circumstance or influence. Know My word so well that your compass is not shaken regardless of who is wandering off the path. Be steadfast in righteousness, and pray for those who have compromised themselves – for “there but for the grace of God…”.

Stay in a place of humility, not judging those who’ve stumbled, but gently encouraging them to right by walking steadfastly in ways that please Me. Have compassion, but don’t be tempted to concede as much as one step on a path not of Me. Refuse to be swayed regardless of who has (or how many have) chosen that which displeases Me. Make My will your focus and destination, and be singleminded in that pursuit.

Arm Yourself

Ephesians 6:13-17 (AMP) Therefore, put on the complete armor of God…And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

Beloved, arm yourself by immersing yourself in My word. How can one combat a lie – how can one even recognize it – if one does not take the time to know the truth? Without a foundation of truth, you are ill equipped to stand against the evil one, and that vulnerability is one too easily leveraged by the forces of darkness.

But when you have feasted on My word – meditating on it and allowing it to go deep within your heart – My Spirit will quicken it to your remembrance in a moment of need, a sharp-edged sword able to separate not just truth from a lie, but even the intricacies of twisted truths. Remember beloved, when My Son was tempted in the wilderness, the enemy quoted My word to him. It is not enough just to read, one must learn to understand, to know My heart. As you study, My Spirit will teach you. Intentionally unite in purpose allowing the breath of My Spirit to quicken My truth in your heart. Continue reading “Arm Yourself”

Nourish Yourself Wisely

Amos 5:14 (AMP) Seek (long for, require) good and not evil, that you may live; And so may the Lord God of hosts be with you, Just as you have said!

Beloved, hunger and thirst for Me and for the things of Me and the things that please Me. Seek that which is good and perfect and true, what is godly and beautiful and righteous, and what is holy, a blessing, and brings glory to My name.

Water the seed of righteousness within you. Refuse to be drawn in by things that are evil or the ways of the wicked. Have eyes to see and ears to hear that you might rightly divide the holy from the profane, the worthy from the unworthy, and that which is good from that which is evil.

Align with Me. Run your race by My side. Choose the side of victory and life. Beloved, that which you feed will grow. Would you indulge your sinful nature? Your fleshly desires? Or your spirit man? Nourish yourself wisely. Satisfy yourself in Me.

Make Ready

John 16:12 (GW) “I have a lot more to tell you, but that would be too much for you now.

Beloved, I have more to share with you than you could possibly imagine. How much I ultimately share in part depends on you and your preparedness. Will you make room for that which I would impart?

In the same way that to move furniture into your home, you must prepare a space for it for it to be beneficial, so you must make room for Me and for My revelation. The place you make ready determines what comes. If you prepare only a corner of a room, enough furniture to redecorate the whole house would be overwhelming.

So prepare your heart, make time and space for Me. Prepare your mind, saturate yourself in My word. Prepare your spirit, stay tuned into my frequency and firmly in My flow. Make ready, beloved, that I might share the fullness of all I have for you.

Watch as I Move

Ephesians 1:19 (TPT) I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you!…

Beloved, though I cannot be controlled or manipulated, there is power I have made available to you that is accessible through your faith. As you partner with Me, the fullness of My glory is made manifest and demonstrates the awesome working of My mighty strength. This is done that the world might know Me and the character of who I AM – My sovereignty.

So exercise your faith in accordance with My word. Be expectant of the miraculous. Intercede and ask for the assistance of the hosts of heaven. Believe because you KNOW who I AM. Then watch as I move and testify of My goodness for I AM God. Continue reading “Watch as I Move”

Choose What is Right

Colossians 3:16 (VOICE) Let the word of the Anointed One richly inhabit your lives. With all wisdom teach, counsel, and instruct one another…

Beloved, take the time to know My word so that in the day your counsel is needed, you might advise and instruct from a foundation of wisdom rather than opinion. Let Me shape your ideals rather than the media and world around you. Refuse to be swayed by fear and popularity, instead choose what is right in My eyes.

Resist the urge to impose your views, and rather lead by example – living a life that is rich with fruit and demonstrates Who I AM. Share wisdom when it is sought, and even then give more than just counsel (which demonstrates your own wisdom) and instead explain the reasoning behind it from My word (thus helping them learn more of Me).