I AM Worth Your Extravagant Offering

Romans 12:1 (VOICE) Brothers and sisters, in light of all I have shared with you about God’s mercies, I urge you to offer your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice to God, a sacred offering that brings Him pleasure; this is your reasonable, essential worship.

Beloved, you are a living sacrifice – beautiful and pleasing to Me. Poured out before Me and the sweet aroma of your worship is like incense before My throne. You dance among the flames of My presence, arms lifted high in reverent praise. I cannot look away for you have captivated My gaze. Behold you are beautiful My love – altogether lovely!

Your sacrifice is extravagant – a surrendered heart – and so worthy for I accept nothing less. You give your best to Me just as I give and have given My best to you. Ensconced in our love. Passionate and true. Ever burning like a jealous flame, My heart is steadfast to you. So pour it out beloved, your heart – your worship- isn’t wasted. I AM worth your extravagant offering. I AM consuming you. Continue reading “I AM Worth Your Extravagant Offering”

Declare My Greatness

Isaiah 12:4 (VOICE)…Give thanks to the Eternal; call on His name. Spread the news throughout the world of what He has done and how great is His name!

Beloved, I AM worthy. Declare My greatness throughout the earth. Testify. Share all that I have done in and for you. I AM great and greatly to be praised.

Call on My name for I AM faithful and worthy and mighty, and I love moving on behalf of My children. Keep your heart in an attitude of thanksgiving. Be mindful to see My handiwork for I love to bless you, just as I love being blessed by you. Hold Me close, beloved. You move My heart.

Cling and Sing

Psalm 118:14 (VOICE) He is my strength, and He is the reason I sing; He has been there to save me in every situation.

Beloved, praise Me in every situation. I AM your strength. I AM El Maowz (God your strength). Allow Me to strengthen you, beloved, regardless of circumstances. Praise Me. Let joy pour forth from deep in your soul because I AM worthy. Let your songs of love be a victory cry that you refuse to waver, that you trust Me implicitly.

I AM Yeshua (your salvation). My hand is extended to you, beloved. Take hold. Cling to Me. I AM strong and I will strengthen. We will stand fast together. The enemy cannot stand against us so cling and sing. Cling and sing, beloved. Your deliverance is here. Continue reading “Cling and Sing”

Nurture Your Inner Man

Proverbs 31:30 (AMPC) Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!

Beloved, do not be sucked in by vanity, ever chasing fickle trends and the approval of man. Allow the radiance of your countenance to shine, and the soft glow of My presence resting on you to bring forth beauty.

May your heart’s focus be on Me, not on the cares of this world – though yes, it is right to take care of your outer body and belongings, that should not take precedent over nurturing your inner man in relationship with Me.

So worship Me without reserve. Gaze on My face with reverential awe. Listen keenly for My voice. Rejoice in the wonder of My presence. Be made whole. Be made beautiful.

Silk: I AM

The name of this silk is I AM. The colors in it are:

  • Chartreuse green representing flourishing
  • Amethyst representing redemption (blood and forgiveness under the cover of Royalty)
  • Electric blue representing intensity
  • Turquoise representing refreshing
  • Lavender representing peace
  • Imperial purple representing majesty and extended scepter

Continue reading “Silk: I AM”

Set Apart

1 Peter 2:9 (VOICE) But you are a chosen people, set aside to be a royal order of priests, a holy nation, God’s own; so that you may proclaim the wondrous acts of the One who called you out of inky darkness into shimmering light.

Beloved, you are set apart. Chosen. If you feel like you’re different and you don’t fit in, that’s a good thing because I’ve called you out and made you holy. You are sanctified and whole. A new creation for My pleasure and My glory. Shine brightly, beloved. Make My glory known.

You’ve been set apart to be with Me, and to minister to Me. Sit at My feet as   Mary did. Lie against My chest as John did. Hover close, beloved, that we might whisper and dream together.  You are My own – My child, My precious one. Resist the temptation to sully yourself or get sucked into habitual sin. Be holy, beloved. Walk differently. You’ve been washed clean. Sparkle and shine for all to see.

Release Your Sound

Romans 8:26 (AMPC) So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.

Make a sound, beloved. Let it come forth from inside you – whether it be a bursting shout, a mighty roar, or a groan too deep for words. Pour it forth – whether an offering of praise or a tool of intercession – release what is stirring in your belly, for I have placed it there. Let your sound echo through the heavenlies – breaking strongholds, declaring victory, and ascribing praise.

Do not hold back. Do not let the enemy steal your voice. Do not let concerns of what man may think hinder you from doing, being, and birthing that which you are called to. Break forth! Shout in victory! Let your sound declare it to be so! And so the thing shall be established. Release it! Mighty is your sound.

Undignified Worship

Psalm 45:11 (GW) The king longs for your beauty. He is your Lord. Worship him.

Beloved, seek My face. Pour your heart out before Me, your offering will not be wasted for I adore you. You are the apple of My eye. I cannot get enough of you, and just as a parent cherishes every scribbled drawing their beloved child brings them, so I love every offering of praise you bring Me.

So hold nothing back. Worship Me with abandon. Dance, sing, wave your banners, be undignified and unashamed for the outpouring of your heart ministers to Mine; you undo Me!