Trust Him to Guide

Psalm 119:139 (TPT) I’ve been consumed with a furious passion to do what’s right, all because of the way my enemies disrespect your laws.

You may feel like you want to scream your frustration from the rooftop toward the ones who don’t care to fully obey or simply, to respect the God Almighty. The Father loves your zeal for Him but don’t get discouraged when other’s aren’t ready or mature enough yet to see Him or love Him as you do. It’s important to allow Him to refine your passion so you don’t cause unintentional hurt. Continue reading “Trust Him to Guide”

Faithful to the End

Psalm 30:11 (VOICE) You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing; You stripped off my dark clothing and covered me with joyful light.

Beloved, I AM faithful to the end. I always see you, for I AM El Roi, the God who sees. I AM equipped and fully able. I fiercely love My children. I AM devoted, and I move on your behalf. Rejoice in that victory. Give praise and honor to My name. Let the earth be filled with the sound of your joy, and may your life testify to the goodness of who I AM.

When the daylight comes and the night has passed, do not withhold your praise – not from a place of obligation, but from an overflow of love and joy. May your heart burst forth in zealous declaration that the God you serve – the only true God – is good and worthy of all praise.

Burst Forth in Praise

Psalm 5:11 (TPT) But let them all be glad, those who turn aside to hide themselves in you. May they keep shouting for joy forever! Overshadow them in your presence as they sing and rejoice. Then every lover of your name will burst forth with endless joy.

Beloved, burst forth in praise! Like an excited child, refuse to restrain your exuberance for Me. As a good and loving father smiling over the zealous delight of their baby girl, so is My joy over you, My precious and cherished child. Stay hidden in Me.

Celebrate. Celebrate Me. Allow your joyful exuberance – your passionate praise – and your dedication to your faith to overflow in all you do. Your joy is contagious, drawing those around you closer. Stay unapologetically joyous, for it is pleasing to Me. I delight in you.

[Merriam-Webster’s Thesaurus defines “celebrate” as “to proclaim the glory of” and some of the synonyms and related words listed are “bless, praise, exalt, magnify, worship, adore.”]

Unleash Your Passion

Philippians 2:13 (TPT) God will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to do what pleases him.

Beloved, trust that I have equipped you for every task you’re given. I will not send you out unprepared, and I AM always with you – refreshing and revitalizing you. I have given you all you need.

Focus your passion and complete that which has been set before you. For I give you not just the strength and ability to succeed, but the passion and drive to do so. Unleash your passion and do that which is pleasing to Me. Focus your attentions on the Kingdom and My glory, and let your zeal be contagious and unfaltering.

Let Your Faith and Your Walk Testify

Revelation 12:11 (VOICE) By the blood of the Lamb and the word of their witnesses, they have become victorious over him, For they did not hold on to their lives, even under threat of death.

Beloved, refuse to allow even the strongest of threats to silence your voice or to shift your feet from the path I’ve set before you. Be obedient to My prompting regardless of the potential outcomes trusting that I AM sovereign. I have a plan and your role in that plan is good.

Yield to Me. Surrendering your plans and hopes and dreams to Me. Trust that My thoughts and plans are good, far better even than you could imagine yourself. Declare My goodness without a word through your obedience and underscore it with the word of your testimony. Let your faith and your walk declare who I AM.

Ignite the World

Romans 12:11 (VOICE) Do not slack in your faithfulness and hard work. Let your spirit be on fire, bubbling up and boiling over, as you serve the Lord.

Beloved, ignite the world with your zealous love of Me. May your passion burn so brightly those surrounding you cannot help but catch flame. When your personal walk with Me is genuine, sincere, steadfast, and intimate; when by observation others can clearly see your love, honor, obedience, and integrity; you will win lives without a word.

Focus on your own walk with Me and the integrity of your own actions. Be intentional to obey My voice both in My word and Spirit-breathed. Refuse to be caught up in judgment and telling others how they should live. Lead by example and love without restraint. In doing so, you cannot help but ignite the world.

Zealous Pursuit

Proverbs 23:17 (TPT) Don’t allow the actions of evil men to cause you to burn with anger. Instead, burn with unrelenting passion as you worship God in holy awe.

Proverbs 21:23 (NKJV) Whoever guards his mouth and tongue Keeps his soul from troubles.

Be zealous for the Lord at every waking moment. He is the reason you have air in your lungs! He is the reason we have yet another day as a gift to bless His Holy name. That’s our purpose, to bring Glory to His name and have His light shine through us.

But be careful… Don’t let your burning passion and zeal for Him quicken your tongue. Always seek His wisdom and humble yourself first before taking a step in so called “righteous anger”. Regardless of what you witness and know, the Lord is aching over His lost children, be what Jesus called us to be… LOVE! Love conquers all! All you have to do is plant a seed.

[Zealous Pursuit originally posted on, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

Unquenchable Thirst for You

Psalm 45:11 (VOICE) Because the king yearns for your beauty, humble yourself before him, for he is now your lord.

Beloved, My eyes are fixed on you, I cannot get enough. My thirst for you is unquenchable. I will never grow tired of you or find you commonplace or dull. You are magnificent. My pearl of great price. The apple of My eye. The center of My world.

You are never a bother or an inconvenience. Everything that matters to you, matters to Me because YOU matter to Me. You are irreplaceable, priceless, My heart’s desire. I cannot get enough. There’s no need to temper your thoughts or affections, I want it all. I long for you in a way that will never be sated. You are everything to Me.

Pursue Me and Hold Nothing Back

Psalm 25:14 (TPT) There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises.

Beloved, press in. Refuse to settle for less than My perfect will for your life. Go all out. Excel at being a lover of God. Lavish Me with your time and affections. Hold nothing back. You determine the closeness of our relationship because My pursuit of you is limitless, but you must choose your part.

The difference between a shallow acquaintance and a fervent relationship is significant. Would you rather be dwelling in My Holy of Holies or wandering the outer court? How much do you truly want to know Me? Do you share your intimate secrets with acquaintances or close friends? You are made in My image, beloved. Pursue Me as you desire to be pursued. I AM worth it.

Uncontainable Blessing

Genesis 15:5 (NET) The LORD took him outside and said, “Gaze into the sky and count the stars – if you are able to count them!” Then he said to him, “So will your descendants be.”

Beloved, My promises for you are plenteous and steadfast. Just as the rainbow is a reminder of My promises, may the stars be a reminder of the overwhelming blessings in store for those who love Me. For just as I promised Abraham more descendants than there are stars in the sky, so My promises for those who love Me are an uncontainable blessing.

Fix your gaze on Me and make Me your first choice. Throughout the ages My heart-cry remains the same: that I would be your God and that you would be My people. I hold nothing back from those who hold nothing back from Me. So delight in Me, beloved, and let your zeal be unmatched. May your passion be a flame that burns so brightly those around you can’t help but be ignited. May it serve as a lighthouse that guides the way to unfettered access to Me and the fullness of My love, which knows no bounds.