What I see, feel, and hear is likened to a prisoner held captive who, within themselves, is crying out for freedom from oppression and oppressors. The time in captivity has tried to convince you and manipulate you into believing you are someone you are not and that you are alone. The subtle control and manipulation may have caused you to even question your own identity and perhaps believe you are who the oppressors say you are. But, beloved, your cries have been heard. Abba Father has heard you crying out His name for help. Your Warrior Father and the angels in heaven have warred and battled on your behalf and are scattering your enemies with the swinging of His strong arm and with His mighty hand that holds the keys of freedom and victory. Abba has shouted with a mighty voice of triumph and the walls of your prison have crumbled down. The chains have been broken off you and He is washing you clean by the water of His Word and the blood of the Lamb. You have overcome by this and through the word of your testimony!
Continue to listen to Abba Father speak your name and who you are in Him! Believe and receive that you are a child of the Most High and heir to His promises. Lift up your head! Lift up your hands and shout out with praises continually in your mouth who you are in Him and what He has done for you! Dance like David danced before the Lord and let the anointing on your life pioneer and bring breakthrough and freedom to the multitudes! Your voice in Him can never go silent in this freedom so walk in it! Dance in it! Sing and shout in it! I see you dancing and worshiping Abba and crying out from the top of your lungs:
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
The Mighty One has set us free!
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Let all our enemies see!
For we will never return to the place we have come from!
We are alive! Alive! Alive!
As Jesus lives and breathes so shall we!
Our Great God lives and so shall we!
Forever and ever it shall be!
We are free!