Alive in His Love (Moments with God)

{my heart cries} You died for us. It’s not a myth. It’s not a fable. You are alive. You are ALIVE! You rose from the grave after my sins You paid. Hallelujah.

{He responds} I love you, beloved, and you were well worth the cost. Removed as far as the east is from the west, I see your sins no more. Behold, you are beautiful My love. Your eyes are like dove’s eyes. Made pure – washed clean – in the Blood. Beautiful, My love. Your eyes, they overwhelm Me. You think I overwhelm you, but you overwhelm Me! My love for you defies description. My heart is for you.  I AM steadfast and true. My love for you unchanging. Respond to Me. Melt into Me. Yield. I AM safe and My love shelters, protects, and restores. You are Mine.

{my heart responds} I’m not worthy! How could you love me like that? How can I rest in Your love knowing I’m unworthy?

{with love in His eyes He says} Beloved, it’s not about worth or being worthy. This is My choice. It’s a gift. Stop trying to earn what has already been given to you! It is yours. Freely and unconditionally. Forever. Unchanging. Open your hand – open your heart – and understand it isn’t about being good enough. It’s simply about receiving what I’m giving you. I love you, My precious, and that will NEVER change. Receive it and flourish!

{weeping my heart replies} I believe – help me in my unbelief!

{Selah} (Pause and reflect on all that. Let it sink in. Breath it in.)

{His love pours over me as I wait, hovering in His presence. Washing over me. Flooding my soul. Thick like oil. Deep and rich. Covering me. Saturating me. Healing me. Received.}

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