I Have Spoken Your Name

Psalm 139:23 (VOICE) Explore me, O God, and know the real me. Dig deeply and discover who I am…

Beloved, I see who you truly are for I know who you’ve been created to be because I AM Creator. I know you. I AM calling forth your true self. Just as death couldn’t hold Lazarus back when he was called forth, nothing will keep you from walking in all I have called you to for I have spoken your name.

So walk boldly, beloved. Let nothing hinder or hold you back. My voice is the voice of many waters and it breaks even the mighty cedars, surely you know that when I speak chains are broken and no restraint can stand. Be free, beloved! Be free!

Psalm 29:5 (NLT) The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars; the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon.

3 Replies to “I Have Spoken Your Name”

  1. My heart sings when I read this one!! I am going to write this out and put it with one of my silk words so I can easily find it The silk, Your True Identity comes to mind. Lord, let me get this in my spirit and act on it!

    1. Yes! It definitely has a similar feel 🙂 You’ll actually see this Prophetic Nugget show up in the word for a future Dyed4you Art piece called Vibrantly Designed 🙂

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