Come and Know Me

Psalm 16:11 (NKJV) You will show me the path of life; In Your presence [is] fullness of joy; At Your right hand [are] pleasures forevermore.

Beloved, in My presence is fullness of joy. The world would have you believe serving Me is drudgery. Your flesh seeks to convince you that worldly entertainments are more exciting. But beloved, those are simply quick counterfeits of downloads from heaven.

As with any relationship, ours is built over time. It requires commitment and dedication, but it is well worth the cost for true contentment is found there. Not the fruitless byproduct of the world’s offerings that often leave you more empty than when you began, but deep abiding satisfaction and wholeness that is found only in intimacy with Me.

No, I cannot be manipulated or controlled like a television is turned on and off with channels switched at will, but that which you will find in Me, is the only thing that truly satisfies.

Come and know Me. Come discover Me. Put in the time and effort recognizing it for the blessing it is – Melek Kabowd (the King of Glory) who desires your time and attention; Abba, your loving Father who desires the best for you; YHVH Bore (the Creator), the One who knows you intimately because He made you and understands every facet of your heart; Palet (your deliverer), the One who sets you free.

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