Refuse to be Silent

Acts 18:9 (TLB) One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t quit!

Beloved, refuse to shrink back. Refuse to be cowed. No ploy of the enemy or criticism of man is worth bowing to fear. I AM with you. My grace sustains you. You are worthy and beloved by Me – not for what you do, but for who you are. And yet stand fast, refuse to be moved. Refuse to allow your testimony to be tarnished or stolen. You are able to withstand. My grace is sufficient.

For I, even I, have put the words in your mouth. So let them flow forth – allowing them to flow unhindered – planting seeds and watering each in their season. And watch beloved, for I will surely plant them in fertile ground and that will yield beautiful fruit. Rich is the reward.

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