YHVH Tsur (the Lord my Strength)

Psalm 144:1 (JUB) Blessed be the LORD my strength, who trains my hands for the battle and my fingers for the war:

Beloved, I will never send you into battle unarmed, unequipped, or unprepared. Behold I know the plans I have for you, and they are good. I prepare each step – both the easy and the difficult, the joyous and the trying – I prepare them all and each has purpose.

Each step builds upon the last and each step prepares you for what lies ahead. Resist the urge to rush. Resist the urge to tarry. Stay in My flow and trust My timing. Trust My leading. Trust Me to prepare you. And know I AM your strength.

Psalm 144:1-2 (NOG) Thank Yahweh, my Tsur, who trained my hands to fight and my fingers to do battle, my merciful one, my Metsuda, my stronghold, and my savior, my Magen, the one in whom I take refuge, and the one who brings people under my authority.

[Lunchtime Live: Bondage Breaker Dyed4you Art pieces (including the newly released Bondage Breaker: the Sword and Bondage Breaker: the Shield, and this Prophetic Nugget called YHVH Tsur (the Lord my Strength). Introducing a new thing: Inspired Flow Art.  Sharing about a post on my personal blog called How-to Walk Through Trials [The Sufferings of Christ / Dayenu (Sufficient)]. Ministering with a multisilk streamer flag called the Power of His Presence. The background music is live worship from Matt Henry Music of Carriage House Ministries.]

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