Hover in My Presence

Psalm 91:1 (TPT) When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.

Beloved, hover in My presence. Rest under My covering. In Me will you find peace. In Me will you find healing. And in Me will you find joy, safety, and so much more. So rest in Me, refusing to be drawn away.

Beloved, the choice is yours: to hover close or to step out from under My wings. Be mindful of the consequences of both and be intentional to choose wisely. I will not force you to seek My presence and protection, but I long to lavish you with it. I never grow tired of you or weary of your needs.

So tarry with Me, be intentional to stay close. Just as a child might cling to a parent for a feeling of safety, so you should remain with Me – your heart ever tarrying, clinging tightly to Me because in Me you find your hope and your refuge. Find your strength in Me.

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