I desire to bear fruit, Father, and have that fruit endure
For my life to make a difference, and my heart to be found pure
So I meditate upon Your Word and choose Your ways each day
Abiding in Your presence – Your love abounding – here I stay
So I live safely within Your love, and rest in Your embrace
My obedience pours forth, oh Lord, from devotion found in that place
I am learning Your instructions as I contemplate Your Word
I know what is expected, and Your guidance is assured
It matters not if I understand, or even if I agree
I choose to demonstrate my love by giving what You’ve asked of me
So day by day I am intentional, and seek to keep Your commands
Bringing glory to Your mighty name by surrendering my will into Your hands
And though I know I’ll get it wrong, and often get off track
Still I press on for You, my King, I refuse to be set back
So be glorified in my life, oh God, as my faith takes deeper root
May my life become a tribute as I keep choosing to bear fruit
John 15:10 (TPT) If you keep my commands, you will live in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands, for I continually live nourished and empowered by his love.
[Choosing to Bear Fruit {poem} originally posted on MeghanW.com, reposted in its entirety with permission.]