Let My Sound Arise {poem}

Let my sound arise
Incense before Your throne
Let my sound arise
My yielded heart Your home

Let my sound arise
Poured out before the King
Let my sound arise
A joyful noise, my offering

Let my sound arise
Nothing from You I withhold
Let my sound arise
Pouring forth straight from my soul

Let my sound arise
In good times and in bad
Let my sound arise
Making Your heart glad

Let my sound arise
Each and every day
Let my sound arise
To the worthy one, YHVH

Psalm 141:2 (TPT) Let my prayer be as the evening sacrifice that burns like fragrant incense, rising as my offering to you as I lift up my hands in surrendered worship!

[Let My Sound Arise {poem} originally posted on MeghanW.com, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

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