Remember when you were a child and the whole world was filled with amazing new things to explore. To touch, see and hear new things. You had no fears then, you would climb trees and ride your bike downhill very fast and you were not afraid. You were amazed at the smallest thing, an ant hill, a butterfly, a puddle was your delight.
I want you to see things again through that lens. Like a child, filled with anticipation and excitement of the day. Happy with little things, totally trusting in ME!
Be a child again. I am not speaking about being immature, but I am speaking of seeing me and and my creation in wild eyed wonder. To be Brave again. To dream again. To step out of your familiar and your comfort levels. To just BE with ME!
Oh, the wonders I can yet show you, I have things not discovered by you and others. I desire to show you and invite you to live in the moments with ME!
There is so much more, so very much more for you. Start taking those steps toward ME and see if I will not show you magnificent things. I desire to be with you, daily, in the small things to the very Big things. If you will but Trust Me in the small things then the Bigger ones will be easier to release to ME!
Come to me My child, and sit on my lap, let me tell you the GREAT stories. Let me love on you as a true parent loves their own child. Allow me in, open the door to your heart. It is not too late, you are too old to do this. It is not about age, but about yielding to Me and just Trusting ME! I desire to give you good gifts and show you so many things, that your mind can hardly wrap around it.
Come My Child, let us Play together, let the trouble of this world leave you as you and I laugh and enjoy each other company.
Be the Child Again! Be the Child!!!