Yielded Vessels

I keep hearing the Father say to just be yielded vessels to Me and for Me. Allow Me to work in and through you, allow Me access to all places. Those places that you might wall off or shut down to others, allow Me access so I can bring in My rush of healing, love, and provision. I will remove all doubt and fear. And like the verse says, “I can do all things through Christ” (Philippians 3:14). You can do all things and have boldness, courage, and strength to do anything that I have indeed called you to.  

You don’t have to do anything but yield yourself to Me and My work. As I come into you, I will bring attention to those things that need to be addressed. I will let you know areas that are highlighted. All you are to do is yield to Me—repent and ask for My help. My grace and love covers and restores and repairs! Nothing is too hard for Me.

Lay down your agenda and seek mine—look for My way! You will not be disappointed because My way for you is truly the best way and is filled with good gifts. Sometimes it may seem hard, hard things to walk through. But I Am always right there with you, holding your hand and giving you the grace and mercy to continue. Maybe others need to see – so they too can see how to walk in those hard times. Be the light, my child. Show others the way. Show them Me! If you are yielded to Me, they will not see you, but they will only see Me! 

Be a yielded lover!

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