I am the King of Kings and Lord of lords. My Name is above every other name on this Earth. Each country bears my divine creative mark. Each tribe of people on the earth; uniquely made for a plan and purpose.
All interwoven for a beautiful masterpiece, created to bring Me – the King of Kings – all glory.
As I reign on High, seated above all things, I have my watchful eyes on all. I am royalty, but I don’t Lord over you. I love you and care deeply about you. I don’t seek to impose my will on you. I have made you with a mind to choose. To choose to let Me be the most important thing in your life. As you humble yourself to Me, I will raise you up. As you seek My face above all people, creation and things; I will be glorified.
Choose this life to sit with Me, to reign with Me. I call you to be co-heirs with Me, to rule and reign over this earth, and to rule over yourself (your fleshly nature) with its emotions, thoughts and ideas.
It’s a choice to receive this position or to allow others to take its place. You will bow down to something. Be it fame, fortune, things, family, spouse, and other loves. All these things fight to lord over you above Me. Remember I am the only true One that has the right to have supreme place in your life. I paid the ultimate sacrifice for you.
I desire to have you overcome this battle and take your place beside Me. Together we can rule and reign. Reigning together from this position gives you a much better perspective. Those things that seem so big, become tiny when you reign with Me. They lose their hold on you as you rule from your place in Me. Come and sit with Me, the King of Kings.
Romans 5:17 (NIV) For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.
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