Beloved, cultivate your walk in boldness with Me. Let your life in boldness come forth from My solid foundation, for your courage is birthed in who I Am, not in your own abilities or inaccurate perception of yourself. Let your boldness flow from Who I Am. My nature is the template for who you are.
I called to Moses from a burning bush; he answered, “Here I am.” I reminded him of Who I Am; then I spoke of how I had heard the cries of My people under the heavy hand of their oppressors and desired to bring them out from Egypt. I told Moses that I had chosen him to go before Pharaoh, telling Pharaoh to let My people go and that I had chosen Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt.
One might think Moses’ response of “who am I to go before Pharaoh and to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?” is a picture of his heartfelt humility; in actuality, it revealed his false sense of identity! A single phrase echoed his mistaken identity as he responded, “Who am I?”
While our exchange continued, Moses offered his objections to My mission for him. His objections centered on his view of himself. His focus was on his perceived lack of authority and diminished abilities.
Though I continually drew him back to the truth of Who I Am—My power, strength, and limitless abilities—though I promised to be with him and teach him what to say, Moses focused on himself and not on Me. He believed moving in His calling depended upon his strength and abilities. In his heart, he did not understand the value of My promise to be with Him.
My promise to be with Moses had its value in Who I Am, not in his faulty self-perception. And My promise to be with you has its value in Who I Am. I Am truth; there is no lie in Me. I Am present with you and willing and able to act. I Am the Creator of the universe and more powerful than you. I Am Faithful and True. I Am loving, and I Am limitless. My abilities know no bounds. The depths of My heart are for you. I desire you to walk in closeness with Me.
Beloved, lift your eyes, heart, and mind, and steep yourself in Who I Am. Let your focus be on Me. Allow My Holy Spirit to open even more of your understanding of Who I Am, for intimacy with Me allows you to live and move freely in your true identity. Rejoice in that truth and discover Who I Am in you.
I did not call Moses because of his abilities; I called him to be a vessel to carry My glory. In the same way, I do not call you because of your strength or abilities. I call you to open the door and step into a deeper realm of understanding of My nature. You will not fail with your eyes on Me.
Learn of the infinite capacities I possess, and allow Me to reveal Who I Am, for doing so will enable you to soar to new heights with Me. Seek to move in new freedom with Me, in the fullness of who you are in Me. I Am your strength, and your ability is found in My ability; who you are is found in Who I Am. You bring glory to Me and great blessing and freedom to you and others.
My Precious One, find your boldness and confidence in Me, for there is freedom for you in doing so. Trust Me to open your ability to draw even closer to Me; answer My call and discover Who I Am in you.
[based on Exodus 3 and 4]
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