Matthew 15:31(TPT) And the crowds marveled with rapture and amazement, astounded over the things they were witnessing with their own eyes! The lame were walking, the mute were speaking, the crippled were made well, and the blind could see. For three days everyone celebrated the miracles as they exalted and praised the God of Israel!
Deep intimacy with God is guaranteed to release the depths of our anointing in the Holy Spirit. We become like Moses who soaked in God’s presence upon Mount Sinai, and whose deep intimacy caused his face to shine with the glory. Yet very much like Moses, those who reach this kind of depth with God can often struggle with stepping out into the spotlight to show the world how God has transformed them. This kind of person is what the Jewish people call a tzaddik—a righteous one. A tzaddik is quite humble yet so deep in the flow of the Spirit that they become the very extension of God. Miracles abound in their midst and the kingdom of heaven is seen upon the earth. Of course, Yeshua our Messiah, became the chief tzaddik, shining with God’s love and glory that all might see.
The Scriptures say that the crowds that gathered around Yeshua marveled at the works He performed. He stepped into the spotlight, became an extension of the Father in heaven, and challenged what humanity thought to be possible. Not only did great miracles occur, but a remnant believed through the Messiah; they opened their hearts to also become extensions of the Father and received miracle-working power. This is because when the kingdom of heaven (the power of God) is seen, it makes room for the kingdom of heaven to be received in the hearts of humanity.
Therefore, it is well worth the risk to cast off fear and insecurity in order to “arise and shine.” Take what God has cultivated within you in the secret place and let it be seen before men. Perhaps, God has given you prophetic insight, scriptural revelation, emotional healing, or unique wisdom for walking through life. Or perhaps, you have experienced personal miracles and know that God is calling you to become a catalyst for miracles with others. Therefore, arise and shine! Allow God’s light to be seen upon you! Do so that men may marvel in who our God is, and that the kingdom of heaven may be received upon earth.
Isaiah 60:1 (VOICE) Arise, shine, for your light has broken through! The Eternal One’s brilliance has dawned upon you.