John 4:13-14 (NKJV) Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
There is a saying that goes, “Hope springs eternal.” As someone who battled the darkness of depression for over ten years, I once struggled to believe that such a thing was true. Anyone who has faced depression knows that hopelessness is a key component in that battle. Wounds of the past can cast such shadows on our path, that it can be hard to imagine and hope for better experiences in life.
Yet after walking with God out of depression and through years of emotional healing, I can say with certainty that He is an eternal spring of hope for the hopeless. During times when the Master Surgeon has worked upon my heart, I have faced low moments where hope seemed hard to find. Yet the Holy Spirit has always been faithful to bring to mind words of life He had spoken through dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Those words acted as a mirror meant to remind me of who I am in Christ at just the right moment. God would take those simple words of truth and increase them exponentially. Suddenly, the barren landscape of my heart would be flooded with His love and everlasting life.
Beloved of God, refuse to underestimate the power of the words that God releases through you to others! Speaking words of encouragement to people may seem insignificant when compared to the trials and circumstances they are facing. I know all too well how powerless I have felt in such moments, even though God was the one prompting me to release His words.
However, the Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 3:7 that it is God who gives the increase from our spiritual work. Faithfully speak what Holy Spirit gives you, and watch how God moves. You can trust that, in due time, hope will spring up in the barren places through the words of life you release.
Romans 5:5 (NKJV) Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
1 Corinthians 3:7 (NKJV) So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.
[ Spring of Hope originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]
Last night as I was praying I heard John chapter 4. I read it and woke this morning to read it again and I just came across this post.
I to have struggle with hurt and depression. I have been hurt by people who serve Yahweh. I have been broken into millions of pieces and I am working on putting myself back together.
I ran from HIM I blamed HIM. How could HIM give them so many dreams that put me down and made me feel like I was nothing. I was so hurt.
Please pray as I embrace this journey and learn how to only trust HIM and training my mind to only believe what HE thinks of me.
I believe in dreams and visions . I guess I want to learn the truth on them?!
I know he gives dreams to warn but why would he give dreams about people who were truly trying to serve him and causing the one who had the dream to cut them down or make them feel like they are not serving him or that he doesn’t love them or that he’s got an iron fist up there and he’s ready to strike them down or make them feel like they’re not worthy enough to be a part of a ministry.
Does he give dreams that are only warning dreams /fault finding dreams?
I guess I just wanna know the truth about dreams and visions so that I can understand.
Let me begin by saying I’m so sorry you’ve been hurt. I hate that you have experienced that! As I pondered how to respond to your comment, I realized there was a basic principle God was highlighting to me. So while this isn’t specific to dreams, it addresses the heart of the matter (in my opinion) so I hope it’s a blessing for you – I posted it over on my personal blog at Blessings to you!