A little over 2 years ago I was in a TERRIBLE spiritual storm. Attacks from people and demons, betrayal, rejection and sickness on every side. I was fearful, anxious and stressed.
I CRIED OUT TO GOD with all my heart and soul as I lay bent over the side of my bed. Suddenly Jesus manifested in a type of “vision”.
I saw my head was in His lap, His hand on my head petting, patting, tenderly stroking my hair… Soothing and comforting.
When He manifested to me I suddenly realized how incredibly hungry I was for Him. I wept and sobbed with grief and desperation for more of Him. I exclaimed, “I NEED YOU!!”
He immediately responded, “You have Me.
“I AM HERE. Rest in Me. Put your heart in My hands and your eyes on My face and trust in Me. Trust in who I AM. Trust in My goodness. Trust in My strength. Trust in all that I AM. I will quiet your soul with My love. I will calm the storm. I AM your Refuge. I AM your Strength. I AM your Shelter. My hands are wrapped around your precious heart. Trust Me. You are in My hands and no one can snatch you away from Me.”
Needless to say I was very comforted after this. His peace melted over me like warm honey. What precious time and energy we waste on fear and worry. What valuable lessons we can learn in His presence. God can be trusted. When God is on your side, EVERYTHING’S GOING TO BE OK!