As you worship Me (the King of Kings) – delving deeper and deeper, I will lift you up to soar with Me to the highest heights. There will be no room for fear as waves of freedom and abandon wash over you. We will unite as one.
Let your spirit sing a new song – your heart feeling as if it will explode with fullness of joy. In that place, you can forget all the worries of life, for now you have a different perspective. From that view, challenges appear small – as if looking down on them from above.
Let the praises erupt and crash over you like a waterfall. Taste the freedom on your lips, and let your body join the flow of gratitude for this new found freedom. In this place, it becomes impossible not to release the joyous flow clambering to burst forth. Your heart will yearn for even more of Father’s touch. So long to stay in this place and fully enjoy your time there. These moments spent with Father are like a cool drink on a hot day – saturating every dry place with liquid sunshine, and making you feel more alive and refreshed than ever before.
Hear the Father saying to you, “My Child, anytime you need My living water, it is ready. Come to the well that never runs dry, and I will pour it upon you. It refreshes and renews – it satisfies your thirst. As you plunge yourself into Me, worship pours forth from you like a spring from the deep.
“This kind of worship strengthens you from within. Your focus becomes Me, and your mind is relieved from the efforts of daily life. I join with you, and together we can overcome all things. So as the things of this world make you feel parched and dry, rise up and go to the fountain of worship. Be drenched in My love for you.”
Psalm 63:1, 3-4 (CJB) O God, you are my God; I will seek you eagerly. My heart thirsts for you, my body longs for you in a land parched and exhausted, where no water can be found. For your Grace is better than life. My lips will worship you. Yes, I will bless you as long as I live.
Psalm 42:7 (CJB) Deep is calling to deep at the thunder of your waterfalls; all your surging rapids and waves are sweeping over me.