His transcendent majesty and power is beyond comprehension. We celebrate His creative power: that at His spoken word, the galaxies, planets and stars were launched into being – that all of His teeming creation rushes to respond to the sound of His voice. His voice speaks life, truth, wisdom, instruction and creativity. Who else displays such power and magnificence?
His mighty voice, whether heard in the loud reverberation of a thunderous roar or echoes in the quiet sound of a whisper, carries His full power. Not a single word He utters ever comes back void; it always goes forth, overflowing with His power, establishing and releasing whatever He has spoken.
“Lazarus, come forth!” He speaks and life blazes forth! By His very breath, all life was and is ignited! He reigns supreme over all things, unequaled by any other. The full reality of His unequaled power and grandeur is not diminished or made any less by our inability to completely grasp the scope of His power and truth. He stands as the All Powerful God, the one who loves you deeply.
He has given you a voice to speak with His authority, given to you as His beloved child and creation. At times this voice whispers quietly into the deep recesses of your heart, bringing new revelation and joy of who He is as Father, and who you are in Him as His most precious child. He knows you through and through, and loves every inch of you!
This voice of His you carry is grounded in Him and speaks the flow of His heart for yourself and others. He desires to bring life and growth. He lavishes His love on you through your heart and spirit. Respond, growing in Him, becoming more like Him. Share the words of life He gives you for others and don’t hold back. Bring the Life Spring of truth and freedom to them. He speaks and all creation responds. Let the voice He gives you plant life in the hearer.
His voice thunders over all of the inner voices you hear of your fears, doubts and insecurities. Tune into His voice for you; it carries His heart and deep love for you. His voice brings life and liberty. Let His voice rise above the turmoil and squalor of those small, negative voices that seek to distract, sidetrack, and destroy you. Hone in on His words of truth to you; laser-like, they will strip (burn) away all that is not Him.
You are His child of destiny; filled with His presence, His heart and His power. Walk in it! Embrace all of that truth. His voice, powerful and majestic, roars forth, clearing debris of lies and entanglements from who you are, freeing you to walk into the fullness of who He has designed you to become. His voice thunders, so roar with Him. Speak what He speaks. Bring life. Speak life over yourself and others with the authority He has given you. Don’t shrink back, but RISE UP. His voice thunders – mighty and powerful, and all of creation responds.