The End from the Beginning

His Gift of Life by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

During a season when a dear friend was in hospice care and I was in ongoing prayer for him, Father woke me up one night with these words, “I know your first breath and your last breath.” I immediately understood He was reminding me that I didn’t need to fear because He was in control. And even more, I sensed He was reminding me that death wasn’t the last step, for He has won the victory over the grave. He guides us along life’s path. I sensed Him assuring me that He knows the beginning from the end and that the knowledge of that should fill me with comfort. As I continued to press into what I was sensing, the following word came forth.

“I am the Creator, the One who saw you in womb. I crafted you the way you are. I alone know the exact number of your days. Take courage in that fact no man knows but Me. I was there when you breathed in your first breath as a newborn child, and I will be with you as you take your last. My gaze is ever upon you. You are always in my sight pattern.  My heart leans into you, My child, for you are vital to Me.

“Take heart as you let go of loved ones on this earth, knowing I am forever with them. It is not darkness at the end of the journey, it is just an instant from earth into My loving arms.  I await the moment when we can look at each other, face to face. And I will marvel as you explore the wonder of Me as we enjoy true communion uninhibited by your earthly body. 

“Don’t be afraid, I was present the moment you caught your first breath of air on this earth, and I will be attentive to you as you take your last. You are Mine, so there is nothing to dread. It’s a simple step into My arms. I have not left you to navigate this earthly realm alone; My comforter (Holy Spirit) is on the scene, to guide you directly to Me. 

“Take courage as your loved ones leave this earth. For as they step into eternity, they are more alive now than ever before. They have complete freedom. Yes, you grieve as you miss the person they were, but imagine how they are embracing this new discovery and finally ridding themself of human frailty. Indeed a celebration party goes on when one of My children arrives home. This is truly home. Remember this as you learn to let them go. Have your memories and take time to grieve, but know that better days are ahead and soon you will meet them again. Everyone has an appointed time. 

“There is so much more than the natural world. The spiritual realm is beyond what your human mind can comprehend. You see glimpses of it now and then, but the picture is not yet revealed. So much more awaits you, My child. Take care to seek those treasures that last, not the ones that rust. Yes, it’s good to take care of the natural body, but your primary focus is on the spiritual world. Exercise those spiritual senses. Spend time with Me so that, at the end of your time on earth, we can already be intimately acquainted.”

Psalm 39:5-6 (CJB) “Make me grasp, Adonai, what my end must be, what it means that my days are numbered; let me know what a transient creature I am. You have made my days like handbreadths; for you, the length of my life is like nothing.” Yes, everyone, no matter how firmly he stands, is merely a puff of wind. (Selah)

Psalm 139:16 (CJB) Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but in your book all my days were already written; my days had been shaped before any of them existed.

Job 14:5 (CJB) Since his days are fixed in advance, the number of his months is known to you, and you have fixed the limits which he can’t cross;

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