This is a series of Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a series of six Prophetic Nuggets based on Psalm 24’s Melek Kabowd (King of Glory).
Psalm 24:3-10 (TPT) Who, then, ascends into the presence of the Lord? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure. They will receive the Lord’s blessing and righteousness given by the Savior-God. They will stand before God, for they seek the pleasure of God’s face, the God of Jacob. Pause in his presence So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. You ask, “Who is this Glory-King?” The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” He is the Lord of Victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, he is the King of Glory! Pause in his presence
The first Prophetic Nugget is called “Choose Me.”
Psalm 24:3-4 (TPT) Who, then, ascends into the presence of the Lord? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure.
Beloved, entering into deep fellowship with Me is something available to all. It simply requires a choice. Choosing Me. Choosing purity over that which would create separation. Choosing truth over lies that would draw you away. Choosing pursuit of Me over distractions. No one – not even Me, likes to be marginalized and given the dregs of time. True intimacy is cultivated, not demanded.
I AM not one to be manipulated or controlled. I do not appreciate demands to deliver a specific outcome as if I were a genie in a bottle. I AM God. Yield, beloved. Choose Me, and then yield. That is when you begin to receive the overwhelming blessings of revelation and intimacy that I have for you. So make the decision, make Me a priority, and choose Me.
The second Prophetic Nugget is called “Enter In.”
Psalm 24:4-5 (TPT) Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure. They will receive the Lord’s blessing and righteousness given by the Savior-God.
Beloved, enter in to My blessing. Enter in to greater intimacy with Me. A gift awaits before you, and all of heaven watches with bated breath to see what you’ll choose. Will you choose to go deeper? Or will you satisfy your heart’s longings with the world’s tasteless fare?
Behold, I AM before you with My hand extended in invitation, so grab hold. No matter what depth of relationship we already have, there’s always further mysteries to explore, for I AM Gelah Raz – the Revealer of Mysteries. So take My hand and enter in to the more I have awaiting you.
The third Prophetic Nugget is called “Pause in My Presence.”
Psalm 24:6 (TPT) They will stand before God, for they seek the pleasure of God’s face, the God of Jacob. Pause in his presence
Beloved, pause in My presence. As the world keeps pressing in, be still and feel Me with you. For when you seek My face, I shall not withhold Myself from you. So stand before Me, and in stillness bask in the glory of My gaze.
Just as the sun’s rays warm and reinvigorate you, so My presence fills you with that pervasive glow of warmth that enlivens and renews. So stand and receive. May you reflect the glow of My countenance, and in turn may it shift those around you as well.
The fourth Prophetic Nugget is called “Melek Kabowd (King of Glory).”
Psalm 24:7-8 (TPT) So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. You ask, “Who is this Glory-King?” The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way!
Beloved, see Me for who I AM. When you doubt Me, you are showing that you aren’t seeing Me rightly. For no one who truly knew Me would doubt that I AM more than able to move on behalf of My children. And no one who truly knew Me could believe I’d turn a deaf ear to their cries – to your cries.
Who am I? I AM Melek Kabowd – the King of glory. I AM more than enough and greater than you know. I AM also keenly in tune with everything that has to do with My children – every thought, every dream, every desire, every need – I know them all. And I AM more than able. Trust in Me.
The fifth Prophetic Nugget is called “Stay Ready.”
Psalm 24:9 (TPT) So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in.
Beloved, be alert. Be ready. Be watchful because I AM about to move in ways you won’t want to miss. Rejoice and give praise for that which is to come. You know Me, and you know My character. I AM a miracle-working God, so keep your eyes open and attention fixed.
Beloved, you were created for such a time as this. Expand your expectations and make room in your heart for God-sized plans. For My plans are not the plans of men, for My ways are not your ways. So think bigger, think differently, and stay ready.
The sixth Prophetic Nugget is called “Eternal One.”
Psalm 24:10 (TPT) You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?” He is the Lord of Victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, he is the King of Glory! Pause in his presence
Beloved, all of heaven is at My command. Nothing is too difficult for Me. The enemy may plot and plan, but whatever the fight, whatever the battle, know that I AM the victorious One. Eternal and invincible. Nothing and no one can stand against Me.
Take shelter in Me, for I AM your strong defense, so rest in Me. See Me as I AM, beloved – high and lifted up. No god above Me, nor man, nor creature. I AM the Eternal One – Melek Kabowd (King of Glory) is Me.