Jeremiah 29:13 (NASB) And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Beloved, I am present in every season of your life and fully involved in every situation you walk through. While My dwelling presence may seem more evident during times of peace and plenty, I assure you that I am with you just the same in hardship. I am faithful and have promised to never leave your side.
When difficult days come, seek My face, for I can always be found by those who seek Me passionately. As you rise to the challenge to find Me in each day and every circumstance, you will come to know a new aspect of My nature, another part of My heart. Even more, your spiritual endurance will increase, and you will discover the key to remaining connected to My kingdom at all times.
James 1:2-4 (TPT) My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things. And then as your endurance grows even stronger it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.
[ “I Am Present in Every Season” originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]