The heavens and its starry host speak and declare God’s story and craftsmanship. They bear witness to His testament. Yet, the heavens have no audible voice. Its declaration of God as the one and only Creator and Sovereign Ruler is not in words but action.
The heavens exist and do what God created them to do. It knows its identity, its purpose, and the source of that purpose. There is no question or doubt. All the universe can do is simply be what it was created to be and do what it was created to do.
The simplicity and beauty of this truth leave many who gaze up in wonder. These individuals may question how the heavens were created, who created them, and why. And they may have their doubts and theories, and they can exhaust all possibilities, yet these onlookers will never have it all figured out. This displays the sheer unfathomable magnitude of who God is—His undeniable authority and power—and it leaves one in awe of His mysteries and ways.
Even though the heavens display and declare who God is, as mysterious and as awesome as they are, they are not His greatest creation. We tend to see the heavens and this world through this lens, but truly the greatest craftsmanship and most magnificent display of God’s glory is us. We marvel at everything else that He has created and find Him in those things. Yet, we miss—or even dismiss—that we are His crowning achievement.
Listen closely, and let this sink deep within you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Tonight when you go outside for a prayer walk, look up at the stars and marvel at the mere sight of what you can see. Recognize how great, infinite, and mind-blowing it all is. But then remember this: NONE of that adds up and compares to YOU.
God’s whispering, “I made all of it for YOU. I knew long before you were born that you would love to go on walks, hold My hand, and enjoy the beauty of it all. So, I made them just for you. Some of My children like bouquets of flowers.
“But I know you, and knew how you would like looking up at the heavens so much more than that. And I knew when we would walk together, how much the two of us would enjoy it together; how I could point out each star and tell you about them. I knew how you would giggle with delight, smile so brightly, and your eyes would widen with. I knew how the sight of them would take your breath away… just like you do to Me. I love you, little fawn.”
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