There are moments when the psalmist plays, the songbird sings, they move and have their being in the secret place of the Most High God. His anointing fills them with His music and words to impart to His people. One only becomes aware of His awesome presence as it fills the room.
Sing unto Him a song of praise, sing unto Him a song of victory, sing an anthem of your great love for Him, we exalt the Lord.
“Beloved, break forth in song. Refuse to be made silent, for your delight is a blessing to Me and brings glory to My Name. It shifts the atmosphere, declares My goodness. It magnifies Me and brings honor to My Name. So sing, precious songbird! Play, My psalmist!”
In a moment when all is still, the psalmist, His songbird brings heaven down to earth. His anointing speaks, imparts, brings untold blessings from His hand into your spirit, His sanctuary. Words spoken to touch your heart with gladness, strength, His virtue poured into your body to refresh your soul and mind.
Never discount the power of your song. The sound comes forth, breaking chains and setting the captives free. The angels respond to your voice. Even the armies of heaven move out on the notes carried by your breath. Your voice changes things. It shifts things in the unseen.
“Refuse to be silent, anointed songbird and psalmist. Release what I have placed within you, for it is lovely and more powerful than you understand.”
By Nan DeNoyer