You are Hope to those who have lost all hope.
You are the Healer to the sick of body and soul.
You are Light to those surrounded by darkness, bringing light to any situation.
You are Love to all who think no one could possibly love them.
You are the Father to the orphan, who believes they have no one.
You are the Lifeline to all who are hanging onto the last thread.
You are Deliverance for all who are bound.
You are Peace in the midst of raging storms of life.
You are the Wonder of each new discovery we make.
You are Righteous King who sits on the throne.
You are the Rescuer when we have gotten in over our heads.
You are our Kinsman Redeemer, who buys us back with Your very life.
You are Joy Unspeakable, never-ending joy
You are Living Water, that produces life and never runs dry, flowing through us.
You are Creator of all things.
You are the Good Shepherd, who leads the way for the sheep.
You are Life and the Giver of Life.
You are a Fortress that protects and shield us.
You are the Servant who leads by example.
You are Alpha and Omega, the very essence of the beginning and the end.
You are Chief Cornerstone, necessary for building a sure foundation.
You are Savior to all who call upon your name.
You are the Bright and Morning Star, leading us in the direction we need to go.
You are the Rock upon which I stand.
There are many words to describe who You are, too many to put down. I’m overwhelmed just by Who You are and how you know which one of those I need at the right time. May I just take a moment to thank you for Who You are, to bask in Your great love for me.
You are so vast to comprehend with my brain and yet so personal to know and care about every detail of my life. What love you have awaiting me and everyone willing to just come. You Are truly all I need. You Are….
… the Great I Am…