There is a place at my daughter’s house where I love to sit. I could be happy there even if I were there alone, but it’s much nicer when the family is around. They have an amazing fireplace that is both functionally warm and also beautiful to watch. I could sit there and never leave.
I believe that’s what it’s like in God’s presence. It’s warm, cozy, and a place you can snuggle into and never leave. So I don’t go there, leave, and come back; I stay there with Him.
Realizing that there is a big difference between going to a church building to find God and just knowing that God dwells in and with you makes a relationship with God way more doable. It isn’t about the rules of engagement; it’s about the benefits of resting and dwelling with Him. He doesn’t leave or forsake us. Sin dulls our perception of Him, but it doesn’t force Him to leave us.
God isn’t far away with a lightning bolt aimed at us, just looking for a reason to take us out. He is a good Father, always beckoning us closer and offering to fix all that is broken if we will give Him all our pieces.