Walk in Strength and Wisdom

Romans 6:1-2 (CJB) So then, are we to say, “Let’s keep on sinning, so that there can be more grace”? Heaven forbid! How can we, who have died to sin, still live in it?

Beloved, choose wisely and walk with wisdom in the freedom you’ve been gifted. Treat with sober understanding the responsibility it brings. Sobriety isn’t an antithesis of joy, it merely prevents folly. To foolishly belittle the grace you’ve been granted dishonors and disrespects the Giver.

In holy reverence enjoy your liberty by truly being free – free from the plots of the enemy and the sins that so easily beset us. Walk in strength and wisdom, empowered by My Spirit. Reflect Me and give honor with your deeds as well as your words.

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