Spring up oh well! Tap into the store house, the reservoir that never runs dry. It is there. Remove the mindsets that say it’s too hard, that it’s impossible to attain. It is in front of you. Each step brings you closer to the well. Each step removes the constrictions, the mindsets, the perceptions, the fears that keep you blinded to the well of living water that never runs dry. It is there for the taking. Remove the blindfold, remove the blindfold, REMOVE THE BLINDFOLD. (Firm tone) Continue reading “A Time of Water and Fruit”
Kingdom Child
Mark 10:14-15 (AMP) But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and He said to them, “Allow the children to come to Me; do not forbid them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever does not receive and welcome the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”
God loves those who are childlike, full of faith and trust and filled with the light of His love and life. They don’t allow the lies of the enemy to shut them down. They turn their gaze on their Abba Daddy, King of the Universe, and their Shepherd, knowing He guards and protects them, and they move forward into all God has. These Kingdom children know that God delights in their exuberance and passion and play. They know He leads them and protects them, guarding their path and enabling their joyful, playful light of life to come forth and shine – making way for those who have been crushed in spirit to return to Abba Daddy and be restored into their joy-filled, passionate purpose once again. Continue reading “Kingdom Child”
His Banner Over Me is Love
{Dream} A tall lean woman with long brown hair down her back fighting against a whipping wind to erect a banner flag on a make shift pole out of a crooked long piece of wood. The banner has the colors of purple and turquoise. There is a tree in the middle that with a closer look are made out of peacock feathers. The phrase running through my head as she is raising this banner is “His Banner Over Me is Love.” The environment gives the sense of a war torn land. It’s dark with the wind whipping like there is a storm yet there is almost a glow of that purple and turquoise that are being reflected from the flag. Continue reading “His Banner Over Me is Love”
Take Courage
Beloved, dwell not on the things of the past. Instead look forward to the future with joy and contentment. Let your passion arise and see how my favor opens many doors for you. Cease to walk in fear. You will not be abandoned. You will see fresh fruit and new wine pouring out of you. Circumstances may not appear favorable but see what I will do. I will part the Red Sea. I will align hearts and pathways to intersect and come into union with you. You will be given strategies to overcome and prevail against the winds and waves that come. You stand in peace and will command peace. Peace I speak over you and I give you that same authority to declare it in every situation. Continue reading “Take Courage”
Come Sit With Me
Come sit with Me My child. Restore yourself in Me. I will replenish you. I will give you new vision. I will restore your heart for those in need. Come sit at My feet and hear My heart. Hear how it cries out for the wounded and broken. Hear how it cries out for you: to restore you, replenish you, feed you, give you water for your dry and thirsty land.
You are precious to Me. I do not want you spent. I do not want you empty. Be refilled and renewed in Me. Be made whole. Be restored. Then your vision will become clear. Then you can see what I am doing and join Me. Continue reading “Come Sit With Me”
Powerful Love
A powerful love that cuts through the darkness. Nothing can stand against it. Our God reigns in our hearts and minds. No thought, mindset, disease or curse can stand against the weapon of God’s love. His spirit of Truth will demolish every stronghold. He will not let anything stand against His authority, His power, His kingdom’s reign. We are commissioned to stand with Him, arrayed in His power and authority to dispatch all darkness and bring His great light. Continue reading “Powerful Love”
Child of God
I have been dwelling on identity lately and what that looks like as a child of God. I have been contemplating the passage about Mary sitting at Jesus feet listening to Him and receiving Him. It is a reminder that a Christ like life isn’t always about pouring out. It’s about sitting at His feet, being wrapped in His comfort, in His care. Receiving His tender mercies as a healing balm. Resting in His presence after a hard fought battle that doesn’t always look victorious. Dwelling in His love and knowing He cares no matter what the circumstances look like. Sitting in His truth and being overwhelmed by it, allowing it to wash away all the mud and dross. Being filled up, ready to dance again. Continue reading “Child of God”
God of Righteousness
I had a vision of a shallow fast moving river flowing down into a waterfall then onward. A breath of wind moved in and around the river like a ribbon. This vision shifted to an ocean where I could see the depth and layers it carried. Then I could see the river flowing into the ocean. The river joined seamlessly being pulled into the bottom layers of the ocean and then up and over into the waves. The breath of wind had been riding on top of the river and instead of smoothly flowing over the ocean water it pushed against the ocean waves and caused an increase of water droplets spraying upward and outward. Continue reading “God of Righteousness”
Stand in Authority
Stand in the authority I have given you. Be obedient and take back what is Mine. Beloved, restore that which has been broken and reclaim what has been taken.
I have given you authority to do My will and bring heaven to earth. I have given you authority to walk out the dreams I have given you and see them fulfilled. Reap what I have sown. Take back what is Mine, my children, my lost ones, my broken ones. Bring them back into the fold.
Take my love to my children, beloved. Restore relationship, restore life, and repair the broken spirits with My arms of love. Be My hands and feet, beloved. Reclaim what was stolen and taken. Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.
Beloved, rejoice! Beloved, rejoice!
Joyful Noise
God is wanting to acknowledge that making a joyful noise and becoming a changed person looks different for everyone and that it isn’t always easy. There are seasons in our life where lifting up a joyful noise and declaring our love to God is a sacrifice yet our desire is to remain in relationship with Him. As we choose to walk in obedience into the position or place He calls us He will change our hearts and our mouths will be filled with praise. Continue reading “Joyful Noise”