A day of deep sorrow. A day of troubles that linger as dusk settles. A day of many moments that nag and prick at my self confidence and identity. A day wanting to be forgotten as I weep and drag myself to my bed. An intense desire for comfort overwhelms me. A desire that my favorite food, my favorite book or show, not even my favorite person can provide. Continue reading “Needing Comfort”
Dry and Weary
The path felt so dry and weary. Day after day of battling old thought patterns, feelings of hopelessness, unbelief and grief over dead dreams. Pushing forward trying to dream again but failing to stir up joy, to fan the flame. Seeking the face of God and His comfort. Clinging to His truths while struggling to overcome the embedded lies. Continue reading “Dry and Weary”
You are My Light
You are My Light. Go to the nations. Seek out My Name. Seek out My inheritance.(sensing a challenge to go into the dark places and discover His hidden treasures like Rahab, whom the spies found in Jericho. (Exodus 2:1-21)
Display My glory for all to see. Rejoice in Me beloved. Rejoice in Me and shine My light to the nations. Shine My light. Restore My light where it has been quenched. Restore My light where it has been lost. (Sensing a command to go into countries and places where persecution has shut down the visible or physical church and His sheep are struggling with fear, hopelessness and despair.) Restore My light to my little ones. Restore My light to the generations that have been lost in the darkness. Continue reading “You are My Light”
Joyful Surrender
My tender dove, My child, celebrate My name. Celebrate what I have done. Declare My glory. Declare My majesty. Declare My delight in My creation, My children, My joyful ones. Dance. Dance. Dance like one of My little ones. Rejoice in Me beloved. For I have brought you into a place of great delight. I refresh you in My waters. I restore you in My place of refuge. (Sensing a crystal blue river, towering mountains, deep rich green pastures. ) ( Psalm 23). Continue reading “Joyful Surrender”
I Am Your All in All
Oh Beloved, renew yourself in me. See me with fresh eyes. See me with new eyes. Remove the jaded lenses. Remove the envy and lust. Remove the lense of heartache and loss. See me as I truly am. A Good Father that gives good gifts. Continue reading “I Am Your All in All”
Reach for Me
Beloved, you are mine and eternally I shelter, guard and protect you. I seek you and call you into my sanctuary. You are mine Beloved and I cherish you with an everlasting love. My beloved, you are mine and earnestly I seek you. I seek you out and call you my own. Don’t turn away from me. Don’t deny me. Don’t refuse my love for you. Reach for me my beloved as I reach for you. Just as a child reaches for his mother and yearns to be held so I desire to hold you, caress you and blow kisses on your face, wipe your tears and run my fingers through your hair. My desire is to comfort you. Don’t push me away. Don’t resent my plans for you. It may seem painful at the time but the growth that comes from this pruning will be magnificent. You will be a radiant fruit bearing tree full of my righteousness and truth. You will share my love with others and pour out my heart on my children. Nothing is impossible for you because nothing is impossible for me. I love you my child. Be my hands and feet to the least of these. They are my children to and close to my heart. My heart aches for them. I long to pick them up, wipe their snotty noses, clean their cheeks and bring laughter to their eyes but they push me away. Be my hands and feet. Be my heart towards them that they may see me and believe that I am God, their father and good shepherd.
Beloved, sacrifice without obedience brings only harm and heartache. Seek my heart and know I will reveal all that you need to know as the timing approaches for each phase to be complete. You are my heart and I am proud of you. Delight yourself in me my love and I will make you a fisher of men, and restorer of life. My blood cries out to redeem the lost. Do not for sake me or my ways and I will bless you. I will redeem all that has been hidden and lost. My Beloved, come unto me and I will heal you. I will redeem you and make you whole. Thank you my beloved for restoring the life I have given you for bringing it back to life and redeeming what I have laid at your feet, your purpose, your destiny. Only you can make that choice. Only you can bear the cost and see the reward. Only you can make the choice to redeem all that I have given you. Thank you Beloved. Thank you Beloved, my Daughter, my Bride. Thank you.