Psalms 47:1, 7 Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout to God with loud songs of joy…Sing praise and understand.
As I was pondering how praising God fits with a lesson on atonement, it occurred to me that praise really is a vehicle for feeling that sense of oneness with God. I don’t know if it’s the same for you, but I generally feel my deepest sense of connection to the Holy Spirit through singing songs of praise and worship. It gets me out of my head and into my heart. Continue reading “The Power of Praise”
“Anointed Songbird” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art
There are moments when the psalmist plays, the songbird sings, they move and have their being in the secret place of the Most High God. His anointing fills them with His music and words to impart to His people. One only becomes aware of His awesome presence as it fills the room.
Sing unto Him a song of praise, sing unto Him a song of victory, sing an anthem of your great love for Him, we exalt the Lord. Continue reading “The Anointing of God”
“Dance with Me” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
{dream} I was dancing in the arms of my Beloved. There was such joy and peace as we swayed back and forth to the music and focused on our love for one another. At some point, the thought came to me that, in real life, I didn’t know how to slow dance.
Suddenly, that concern about not being able to dance caused my feet to stumble as we danced. My feet felt like they were getting all tangled. And yet, the Beloved kept leading us in the dance as if nothing were wrong! I didn’t stumble or fall over, and our dance seemed as beautiful as before. So I just focused on the music and our love for one another.
Now and then, my thoughts would slip, and I would worry about my steps and stumble. But as soon as I remembered where my focus should be, my feet righted themselves. Eventually, I realized my steps didn’t matter, and that worrying about them only detracted from enjoying the dance with my Beloved.
One day, a great King decided to survey all the lands He ruled. People came from near and far and surrounded His company of warriors and all those of His house with joyful crowds of celebration. The King received each welcome graciously, but He never tarried long, because His heart was set on reaching the dark lands—wild, lawless places at the edge of His borders.
Now and again, His enemies would sneak in and erect large labor camps, where they enslaved the vulnerable and weak. The taskmasters were tyrants, without mercy or care, and they starved and beat the people they held captive. Continue reading “Daughter of the King”
“Garden of His Love” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
In the quietness of the woods
I seek His face most dear
In His presence I can hear
His powerful words become most clear Continue reading “Your Presence”
Yahweh, oh God, my God,
I lift my praise to You
Yahweh, oh my God, my King
You are my life – my everything
Yahweh, my very breath – my life
All honor be unto Your name
Yahweh, high and exalted One
To You we bend our knee Continue reading “All Praise to Yahweh”
Matthew 5:16(AMP) “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven.”
Luke20:25 (TPT) Jesus said, “Precisely. The coin bears the image of the Emperor Caesar, and you should give back to Caesar all that belongs to him. But you bear the image of God. So give back to God all that belongs to him.”
2 Corinthians10:7, 18 (TPT) You seem to always be looking at people by their outward appearances. If someone is confident that he belongs to Christ, he should remind himself of this: we belong to Christ no less than he does. So let’s be clear. To have the Lord’s approval and commendation is of greater value than bragging about oneself.
“Heir of Promise” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
Are you in your butterfly season? Well, first let’s look at the season of the caterpillar:
Everything goes really slow but steady. It seems like it takes so much effort to get anywhere spiritually. You do a lot of feeding on spiritual things, but they may not make any sense. You may read a lot of spiritual books and the Bible, go to church a lot, go to a lot of fellowship meals, join a lot of groups, try to hook up with God by working really hard. You are full of yourself, but feel great spiritually. You are trying to convince yourself of many things spiritually, but in your quiet times (which you make sure don’t happen much), you don’t feel much different on the inside. Still, you stay so busy you don’t have to go there too much. Continue reading “Butterfly Season”
I was laying in bed thinking about Jesus—just thinking about Him, wondering about Him, thinking about what He was doing, about His heart, about what He was feeling. I honestly did not consider whether or not He knew my thoughts. I was not praying. Out of my own love, desire, and curiosity I was simply thinking about Him.Continue reading “Thoughts Fixed on Him”