Take Courage

Beloved, dwell not on the things of the past. Instead look forward to the future with joy and contentment. Let your passion arise and see how my favor opens many doors for you. Cease to walk in fear. You will not be abandoned. You will see fresh fruit and new wine pouring out of you. Circumstances may not appear favorable but see what I will do. I will part the Red Sea. I will align hearts and pathways to intersect and come into union with you. You will be given strategies to overcome and prevail against the winds and waves that come. You stand in peace and will command peace. Peace I speak over you and I give you that same authority to declare it in every situation.  Continue reading “Take Courage”

Break Off the Yoke of the Mundane

Know that your life is more than just ordinary routines. You think in the way of this world, but there is so much more when you expand your thinking outside the realm of this world. It’s not bad to have a schedule of things to do, but I’m asking you to be open to have your schedule completely turned upside down – to be willing to seek Me in all things and let Me guide you. If you will but let Me guide you, then even the mundane tasks can turn into encounters in My realm. Continue reading “Break Off the Yoke of the Mundane”

Watching the Blessings Form

{sensing} A calm before a storm. Not a wild, out-of-control thunderstorm. But a nice, heavy spring rain. When you can see the storm clouds forming all afternoon. Watching the skies darken for hours. Knowing what is coming is going to be the first rain of the season and will water the earth and bring forth a bountiful harvest. A blessing, but not a surprise. Let the rain come, be ready for it, because with great blessing comes a task to be done. Continue reading “Watching the Blessings Form”

Come Sit With Me

Come sit with Me My child. Restore yourself in Me. I will replenish you. I will give you new vision. I will restore your heart for those in need. Come sit at My feet and hear My heart. Hear how it cries out for the wounded and broken. Hear how it cries out for you: to restore you, replenish you, feed you, give you water for your dry and thirsty land.

You are precious to Me. I do not want you spent. I do not want you empty. Be refilled and renewed in Me. Be made whole. Be restored. Then your vision will become clear. Then you can see what I am doing and join Me. Continue reading “Come Sit With Me”

King of Kings

I am the King of Kings and Lord of lords. My Name is above every other name on this Earth. Each country bears my divine creative mark. Each tribe of people on the earth; uniquely made for a plan and purpose. 

All interwoven for a beautiful masterpiece, created to bring Me – the King of Kings – all glory.  Continue reading “King of Kings”

Field Vision

Close my eyes and see a vision of a field, peaceful green field. In it is a huge towering tree and nearby is a creek winding its way around the out skirts of the field.  I see children in the field, mostly young girls at the age of 5-7 years old.

One is running and playing with the tall blades of grass as she freely runs and dances with the twirling of her little skirt and playing with the tall grass with her fingers.  Another is bending down exploring a huge caterpillar and wondering where its home is and captured by the need to watch it to move along.  She is unaware of anything else but exploring and admiring this little creature. Continue reading “Field Vision”

I Am with You

I have said I go with you, before you and am your rear guard. What or who should you fear?  No one or no thing. For I am always with you,  I do not leave you and I never will. I know others have hurt you and left but I Am and I do not turn away from my children. I gave you the Authority, same one Jesus had while walking on this Earth. Do not allow any fear or intimidation to come over you!  You are mine child and I stand by you and I fight for you.  I will protect my own as a natural parent protects their own child and even in nature animals protect their own.  Why do you not think that I will protect you any less than animals or humans, I will shield you.   Continue reading “I Am with You”