How can you drink of my water if you have not set down roots to reach the water? You must settle down in one place and stop relying on the pitcher to fill your vase. There is good in the soil and life in the water. Dig deep and drink deep. Then you will multiply and be a blessing to many more.

God told me that He is ROARING over His children! This is why I love drawing the roaring lion. He’s roaring over you! Roaring at your enemies. Roaring at the obstacles. Roaring at the darkness. How your enemies tremble in His presence. Demonic enemies become nothing at the blast of His nostrils… the sound of His thunder drains their strength. They become dust in the wind of His mighty Spirit. God is on your side. He invites you to take comfort in the safety of His embrace while He roars over you. Accept that invitation today and the joy of the Lord will be your strength. Continue reading “Roaring”
I AM on the Throne
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Rest in the knowledge that I AM on the throne. I AM in control, and I see all. I understand what you see and hear can bring much anxiety, but pay no attention to those who incite fear, hysteria, greed and anarchy. Press into me. Allow My shalom to consume you. Allow My presence to bring you to a place of comfort. I gave you my Holy Spirit to comfort you, to lead you, and to teach you. Allow Him to do what I sent Him to do. Rest in Me. Trust Me.
The Power of His Voice

His transcendent majesty and power is beyond comprehension. We celebrate His creative power: that at His spoken word, the galaxies, planets and stars were launched into being – that all of His teeming creation rushes to respond to the sound of His voice. His voice speaks life, truth, wisdom, instruction and creativity. Who else displays such power and magnificence? Continue reading “The Power of His Voice”
Spirit of Mercy
My child, there are times when your brother in Christ throws stones, like an enemy rising against you. But when this happens, use it as an opportunity to operate in the spirit of mercy because you have received my mercy for your sins. Continue reading “Spirit of Mercy”
Better Together

Beloved, you are called to be one – echad (Hebrew for one H259). Just as “The LORD is our God, the LORD is one” Deuteronomy 6:4 (NET). You are one Body of Christ. United in Me. Therefore, you must choose to walk in humility and grace that harmony may come forth. Truly be known by your love. Continue reading “Better Together”
Just One Word
One night, I was listening to a song my eldest son Jonathan wrote years ago called “Just One Word.” Then the next day, as I was watching a movie about Abraham, it stood out how that one Word God spoke to him carried him through so much. No matter what the opposition, Abraham fell back on the Word of God’s promise to him. Continue reading “Just One Word”
Patience in Transformation

As I was finishing up with some work one day, I suddenly was drawn to thoughts on the butterfly. The butterfly and its story have been highlighted to me a lot recently. I had a sudden image come to mind of the butterfly’s transformation process, and I quickly went to find a picture as I pondered what the message was. Continue reading “Patience in Transformation”
Be Brave in My Fiery Love

Even though it could be painful, stay brave in me, trusting me in faith regardless of what you see in the natural. Stay focused on the supernatural faith I have placed inside of you. Walk in faith in all situations. Continue reading “Be Brave in My Fiery Love”
Burn Like Holy Fire

That burning inside you is of Me. I placed that flame inside you and the wind of the Holy Spirit fans it. Giving it strength when needed. The strength to stand up for injustice, to fight for one another. We are at war! The things of this world and the things of Heaven. The enemy would rather you be quiet and let your fire die down to tiny embers. I stoke the fires, I resurrect the dead things. Continue reading “Burn Like Holy Fire”