Tend Your Light

Your light, Father, it calls to us – like a lighthouse on a bank surrounded by a body of water. It may be the very dark of night and the storm may be raging around us, but the beacon of hope is shining out. It is guiding us back to safety, back to the wonderful warm glow of light that floods – out piercing any darkness. The light is brighter in the darkness, and the darkness cannot shut it out.  Continue reading “Tend Your Light”

Journey of Destiny

God of Compassion (El Rachum) by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Exodus 40:36(VOICE) Through all their wanderings in the desert, whenever the cloud lifted up from the congregation tent, the Israelites would break camp and set out.

Psalm 56:8(TPT) You’ve kept track of all my wandering and my weeping. You’ve stored my many tears in your bottle—not one will be lost. For they are all recorded in your book of remembrance.

There are times when things may hit us unexpectedly. Something may come out of the blue–throwing us off completely. We may immediately begin to search inwardly thinking we have done something wrong in order for THIS to happen. Unexpected life changes can have a way of feeling like a hard blow to the gut– leaving us feeling like the wind is knocked out of us. Even in THIS, Papa reminds us He is NEVER caught off-guard and He IS with us. Continue reading “Journey of Destiny”

You Were Born for Greater Works

In Christ, you are destined for great things. We have a blessed hope and expectation to, at minimum, walk in the power and authority that Christ walked in upon the earth. But today, God is stirring us to reach even higher. Let us remember, we were born for greater works than our Savior displayed because He went to the Father. Christ is in heavenly places, cheering us on, and calling us to arise in the fullness of our calling as His Body.

So shake off every limitation that is holding you back. Trample upon the mindsets that tell you that you’re not good enough or will never amount to much. Arise, shine, and let the Kingdom of Heaven be released through you.

John 14:12 (VOICE) I tell you the truth: whoever believes in Me will be able to do what I have done, but they will do even greater things, because I will return to be with the Father. I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.

The Glory of the Throne Room and the Value of His Presence

The glory of the throne room exists outside of space and time, beloved. The door in the spirit realm stands open – waiting, an invitation for you to step in. Immerse yourself in My presence. Saturate yourself in My glory. 

Value Me – value My presence – as the greatest gift imaginable. Just as I have held nothing back in My pursuit of you, hold nothing back in your pursuit of Me. Value Me as the rarest of gems and sacrifice all to have Me. I AM worth the cost.  Continue reading “The Glory of the Throne Room and the Value of His Presence”

Let Go

Beloved, you are so precious to me. Let go of your self-criticism and trust the good I am unfolding in your life. You are perfectly situated to receive messages of this moment… just quiet your mind enough to hear them.

You have spent a lot of time playing the “Martha” role lately. Make space for a season of “Mary.” Receive that blessing and you will find you genuinely have more to give. Cherish and guard that precious time as closely as you would your most prized possession.

Answer the invitation of your soul to meet in stillness. You hear it calling… notice how habits and things that feel urgent fill your time and leave little space for what is most important. Are you ready to let go of your compulsion to manage details and make space to breathe in the inspiration I have for you?

My timing is perfect, dear one. All is well. Letting go of a sense of duty or control, imagine what action flowing from inspired listening will look like.

What is True

You are one with Being. There is nothing for you to figure out, only for you to find that you already know in your innermost part. I made you whole and any understanding that you are less than that is based on an illusion. Be present with the stillness within you and you will find this true.

Deep Love

I love you so much My child. So much more than you can wrap your head around. My love is so different than earthly love that you know of. My love is not based on appearance; how you look, what size you are, what clothes you wear, if you wear the latest fashion or not, if you wear makeup or not. My love is not based on how many titles, or degrees you have by your name; education is good, but not required for Me to love you.  Continue reading “Deep Love”

Trust Me

Proverbs 3:5 (AMPC) “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.”

Deuteronomy 1:29 …”Don’t be scared! Don’t be afraid… You won’t have to fight this battle yourselves; the Eternal your God, who always goes ahead of you, will fight for you… haven’t you seen the Eternal, your True God, carrying you the way a parent carries a child? … He always goes ahead of you… He always shows you the right way to go.”

Daughter, {hearing the tender sound of His voice} I see you. I see your pain. I know it has not been easy for you. Yes, I do see the battle raging—trust Me, you are not alone. Refuse to fight this battle in your own strength—your efforts have left you wounded. You’re feeling hurt, tired and alone. Come, {hand reaching} allow Me to lead the way {wipes tears, takes hand}. Breathe, daughter. {takes a shallow breath} Breathe deep. {pauses, close her eyes and breathes deep. As she breathes she releases the tension and tears begin to stream as she let’s go of all fear and anxiety. As she breathes deep she can feel strength being restored and a renewed sense of peace and trust}. “Look around! Do you see Heaven’s armies?! I told you, you are not alone.” {She opens her eyes. She is overlooking a large city filled with multitudes of Angels who are fighting on her behalf}  Continue reading “Trust Me”