Spirit of the Lord

Luke 4:18 (VOICE) The Spirit of the Lord the Eternal One is on Me. Why? Because the Eternal designated Me to be His representative to the poor, to preach good news to them.

Beloved, be My voice. Open your mouth and trust Me to fill it. Allow My Spirit to flow through you, to inspire thought and action, to give vision of the unseen, and to bring prophetic revelation in My perfect timing. Trust, and yield to My flow.

As you partner with My Spirit, you will see the miraculous take place. The supernatural will become as if it were common so clear and continuous its evidence. The gifts of My Spirit alive and on display for all to see. The beauty of My glory manifest on earth and in the heavens. Choose, beloved, choose to yield and flow in Me. Continue reading “Spirit of the Lord”

Gifted and Anointed

Jeremiah 1:5 (AMP) “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Beloved, you will not haphazardly stumble upon your call. There is nothing arbitrary about the path you’re walking. Even in events that may be seemingly random, My hand is always at work. I have called you. I have chosen you. So trust that I have and will continue to equip you every step of the way.

Resist the temptation to minimize the value of what you bring to the world. Simply because certain things come more easily to you than others does not make them valueless, it simply means they’re gifts I’ve anointed you to operate in. Embrace them wholeheartedly – with childlike faith trusting Me to lead and guide you every step of the way.

Child of the Light

Ephesians 5:13 (VOICE) When the light shines, it exposes even the dark and shadowy things and turns them into pure reflections of light.

Beloved, resist the urge to be intimidated by darkness for the power of My light far exceeds the deepest of night. One pinprick of light disperses the oppressive gloom, and you are a carrier of My light – you are filled with it.

So radiate without shame. Let it burst forth from you in all its inherent glory. You have a light that darkness cannot diminish or quell. Know and understand the power within you. You carry the Spirit of the Almighty.

What or who can stand against you when you are filled with Me? Where is the purpose in being afraid? Does light tremble in fear darkness may overcome it? Never! Be confident, bold, and steadfast as you walk as a child of the Light. Continue reading “Child of the Light”

El Ori (God my Light)

Psalm 27:1 (VOICE) The Eternal is my light amidst my darkness and my rescue in times of trouble. So whom shall I fear? He surrounds me with a fortress of protection. So nothing should cause me alarm.

Beloved, I AM Light. I AM the source. You act as My rays – shining out for all the world to see. Darkness cannot stand in the face of the blinding beauty of heavenly light. Reflect Me. Allow My pure light to warm those around you, and draw them to Me without a word – simply by your radiant glow.

I bring clarity. I bring truth. In Me no confusion can remain. I AM the Light of the World – there is no changing darkness in Me, I AM the light of revelation, and I AM the bringer of truth. No darkness may remain, the enemy must flee. So breathe easy, beloved, and rest in the glorious radiance of El Ori.

Don’t Hide

Matthew 5:15-16 (TLB) Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father.

Beloved, you are My show piece – a glorious example of My beauty and grace made manifest in the earth. Don’t hide yourself; hiding yourself means hiding the glory of My handiwork that was created to bless, encourage, and impact the world around you.

Shine brightly, beloved. Refuse to hide who I’ve created you to be by bending to the opinions of man, but instead boldly live a life of authenticity, displaying the true you in all your gloriously flawed beauty that My power and majesty might be made known.

A True Reflection of Me

Matthew 5:14 (TPT) Your lives light up the world. Let others see your light from a distance, for how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop?

Beloved, I’ve created you to be seen. I’ve created you to have impact. Just as a light on a hill can be seen for miles, you have no idea the extent of your influence nor will you on this side of heaven.

But beloved, let that also be a word of caution to be sure your light is pure – a true reflection of Me. Refuse to be concerned with anyone’s reaction to your light, instead choosing to focus on the Source, and deeply drawing from Me.

The Gift of Love

John 15:13 (KJV) Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Beloved, love as I have loved – withholding nothing, without condition or exception. For this type of love changes things, it breaks through the strongest of fortresses, it permeates through the most steadfast defenses.

Even knowing that to be true, don’t love needing or expecting a response, love for the sake of Love. Love because giving the gift of love is its own reward. Love because to do so makes you more like Me. Continue reading “The Gift of Love”

Offer Life-Changing Love

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …For that will reveal your identity as children of your heavenly Father. He is kind to all by bringing the sunrise to warm and rainfall to refresh whether a person does what is good or evil…

Beloved, determine how you intend to love, and do so without judgment or condition, for I bring rain and sunshine over all without distinction and My salvation is a gift to any who would receive. Love can change even the hardest heart.

If no one loves the unlovable, how can we hope they will ever change? If no one shows them anything different to what they are accustomed, they’ll never believe there truly is another way to live. So beloved, lay down your pride and offer life-changing love. In doing so, you mirror My heart. Continue reading “Offer Life-Changing Love”

Carrier of My Peace

John 14:27 (AMP) Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge].

Beloved, I have endowed you with My peace. It is yours and you walk in the fullness of it. Allow My peace to so saturate you that you carry it like a tangible presence and like a lingering aroma leave it everywhere you go.

You are an overcomer, and you have overcome fear with My peace. Continually shift the atmosphere around you, being intentional to usher in that shalom – the peace that wars against chaos. You are My chosen vessel – a carrier of My glory, My Spirit, the truth of who I AM – share that truth unashamedly and cultivate an atmosphere of peace everywhere you go. Peace, peace, abundant peace.

Sing Precious Songbird

Psalm 104:33 (TLB) I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise God to my last breath!

Beloved, break forth in song – refuse to be made silent. For your delight is a blessing to Me and brings glory to My name. It shifts the atmosphere and declares My goodness. It magnifies Me and brings honor to My name. So sing, precious songbird, sing!

Never discount the power of your song. The sound coming forth breaks chains and sets the captives free. The angels respond to your voice – even the armies of heaven move out on the notes carried by your breath. Your voice changes things. It shifts things in the unseen realm as well as the seen. Refuse to be silent anointed songbird, release what I have placed within you for it is lovely and more powerful than you know.