“Dance with Me” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
{dream} I was dancing in the arms of my Beloved. There was such joy and peace as we swayed back and forth to the music and focused on our love for one another. At some point, the thought came to me that, in real life, I didn’t know how to slow dance.
Suddenly, that concern about not being able to dance caused my feet to stumble as we danced. My feet felt like they were getting all tangled. And yet, the Beloved kept leading us in the dance as if nothing were wrong! I didn’t stumble or fall over, and our dance seemed as beautiful as before. So I just focused on the music and our love for one another.
Now and then, my thoughts would slip, and I would worry about my steps and stumble. But as soon as I remembered where my focus should be, my feet righted themselves. Eventually, I realized my steps didn’t matter, and that worrying about them only detracted from enjoying the dance with my Beloved.
Beloved, I miss you!Life has consumed you to the point where we have very little time together.I know you have not done this deliberately. Sometimes life just happens, and you lose focus.This is not chastisement, beloved; this is a gentle reminder to refocus and reprioritize so our relationship can deepen in intimacy.I’ll say it again—I. Miss. You.Continue reading “Invitation to Dance”
Praise Me from the very depths of you, down in your innermost area. Praise when you don’t feel like it and when it’s hard to do. Such moments of praise arise to the next level for, as your Father, I know that it is truly a sacrifice of praise.
Let your whole being—your body, soul, and spirit—come into one and praise Me. Let your praise bubble from the well that is deep within you, and let it come out like an explosion. Let it be as a symphony to the King, your King! Continue reading “Joyful Praise”
John 5:19 (VOICE) Jesus: The truth is that the Son does nothing on His own; all these actions are led by the Father. The Son watches the Father closely and then mimics the work of the Father.
Beloved, watch Me closely. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Resist any urge to be rigid and unmovable – fixed and resistant to change, but rather stay supple and loose – ready and willing to be moved by My Spirit.
For I long for us to move as one – seamlessly, like a pair of dancers who move in perfect, fluid unity. So, beloved, do as I do, speak as I speak, and love as I love. Mirror Me. And together we will move in glorious harmony bringing My Kingdom here to earth.
Psalm 149:6 (TPT) God’s high and holy praises fill their mouths, for their shouted praises are their weapons of war!
Beloved, as your praises rise, things begin to shift. As your praises rise, mountains begin to move. Just as a drip of water can change the face of a rock over time, never underestimate the power of your steadfast praise.
Stay equipped. Hide the word in your heart and raise a banner or lift your voice high or dance before Me, beloved, but do something. Allow the fruit of your faith to pour forth from your heart.
Your praise changes things. It shifts the atmosphere. It is powerful because I inhabit the praises of My people and I AM mighty beyond expectation or description. So be steadfast in your praise.Continue reading “Steadfast Praise “
Psalm 126:5 (TLB) Those who sow tears shall reap joy.
Beloved, I have promised and I will deliver. I AM good to My word. Rest in a place of joyful expectation, even when the night is long and the sky looks dark, know that I AM with you, My angels surround you, and I AM faithful. I watch over My word to perform it. Stand fast and believe. Let joyful expectation be your mien.
Dance, beloved – as in your mourning you expect your morning, dance, for the dawn is coming. Worship as you wait, knowing I AM faithful. Knowing I AM good. Knowing I AM with you. And knowing I AM worthy. Give praise, and give it freely and without reserve. Bring forth your mourning dance that it might become your morning dance. Continue reading “Morning Dance”
2 Samuel 6:14 (CJB) Then David danced and spun around with abandon before Adonai, wearing a linen ritual vest.
Beloved, refuse to let the thoughts and opinions of others cause you to stifle your words and actions. Allow the overflow of your heart to pour forth in unabashed praise. Move past simply “working through it” to a place where those thoughts and opinions no longer matter and you’re not even aware of them anymore.
Be radical for Me. Be completely sold out for Me. Make Me the center of your world. Be abandoned in your praise and intensely persistent in your pursuit. Be relentless. Don’t hold back. Be “even more undignified than this.” Focus on pleasing Me alone. Make that your sole priority. Continue reading “Sole Priority”
Romans 12:1 (VOICE) Brothers and sisters, in light of all I have shared with you about God’s mercies, I urge you to offer your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice to God, a sacred offering that brings Him pleasure; this is your reasonable, essential worship.
Beloved, you are a living sacrifice – beautiful and pleasing to Me. Poured out before Me and the sweet aroma of your worship is like incense before My throne. You dance among the flames of My presence, arms lifted high in reverent praise. I cannot look away for you have captivated My gaze. Behold you are beautiful My love – altogether lovely!
Your sacrifice is extravagant – a surrendered heart – and so worthy for I accept nothing less. You give your best to Me just as I give and have given My best to you. Ensconced in our love. Passionate and true. Ever burning like a jealous flame, My heart is steadfast to you. So pour it out beloved, your heart – your worship- isn’t wasted. I AM worth your extravagant offering. I AM consuming you. Continue reading “I AM Worth Your Extravagant Offering”
Psalm 45:11 (GW) The king longs for your beauty. He is your Lord. Worship him.
Beloved, seek My face. Pour your heart out before Me, your offering will not be wasted for I adore you. You are the apple of My eye. I cannot get enough of you, and just as a parent cherishes every scribbled drawing their beloved child brings them, so I love every offering of praise you bring Me.
So hold nothing back. Worship Me with abandon. Dance, sing, wave your banners, be undignified and unashamed for the outpouring of your heart ministers to Mine; you undo Me!