Increase Comes Through Me

John 15:4 (GW) Live in me, and I will live in you. A branch cannot produce any fruit by itself. It has to stay attached to the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit unless you live in me.

Beloved, increase comes from Me. Stay firmly rooted. Life can only come from the source. Draw from Me. Drink deeply from My living water – the flow of My Spirit – be saturated in My presence and allow that rich, life-giving atmosphere to bring forth much fruit.

Deep wells pouring forth, gurgling up from deep within you as My Spirit stirs and hovers over you as you rest and dwell in My presence. Behold, I AM doing a new thing, will you not know it? [I sense Him smiling as He asks that as though He knows already of COURSE you will want to know it.] New life – increase – is coming. Increase is here. Continue reading “Increase Comes Through Me”

I AM the Life Giver

Psalm 78:20 (VOICE) He split open the rock, and water gushed out; streams and rivers were overflowing!…

Beloved, I AM the Life Giver. Just as the rain saturates the ground causing it to flourish, so I will pour out My life-giving flow of Holy Spirit over you that you might flourish and bring forth life and life more abundantly. I am even now saturating you. Receive!

No heart is too broken or cracked, no heart is too hardened or dead for Me. Have I not brought forth life-giving water from a rock? Nothing is too hard for Me. I will saturate you. I will overflow your spirit with My own. I will bring forth life in the desert places because I AM the giver of life and I love to see you flourish.

Ripe With Possibility

Song of Solomon 2:13 (TLB) The leaves are coming out, and the grapevines are in blossom. How delicious they smell! Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.’

Beloved, the time is ripe and the harvest season upon us. Open the doors of the storehouses and prepare to fill them with the choicest fruits.

Awaken your senses! Be aware of all the possibilities around you. The moment is ripe with possibility. Be alert. Tune in. Align with My frequency and wait on Me. The time is now. Break forth. Burst forth. As you have sown, you shall receive.

Time to Flourish and Bloom

Isaiah 35:1 (TLB) Even the wilderness and desert will rejoice in those days; the desert will blossom with flowers.

Beloved, now is the time to bloom! Walk forward in peace and wisdom for it is time to prosper and flourish. My call is given without repentance. I haven’t changed My mind about you or the plans I have for you. I will see them through to their completion, never leaving your side, ever cheering you on as you blossom into the fullness of all I’ve created you for and called you to.

I’m not done with you yet. I have so much more in store. Hang on. Things are not dry or dying, but simply making way for new life. This desert is going to bloom. So make ready and prepare a place, for abundance is about to overtake you – so much that your storehouses won’t be able to contain it all. Make ready, beloved. It’s time to flourish and bloom!

Prosper and Mature 

Psalm 1:3 And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season; Its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity].

Beloved, be firmly rooted in My Spirit. Yield to His leading and flow. The Spirit can teach you all things, He will not lead you astray. He will refresh and restore you, guide and grow you, and instruct you and give you insight. Under His tutelage, you will prosper and bear fruit, bearing it abundantly as you flourish. Yield to the Spirit, beloved, trust Our heart for you. Continue reading “Prosper and Mature “

Alive in His Love (Moments with God)

{my heart cries} You died for us. It’s not a myth. It’s not a fable. You are alive. You are ALIVE! You rose from the grave after my sins You paid. Hallelujah.

{He responds} I love you, beloved, and you were well worth the cost. Removed as far as the east is from the west, I see your sins no more. Behold, you are beautiful My love. Your eyes are like dove’s eyes. Made pure – washed clean – in the Blood. Beautiful, My love. Your eyes, they overwhelm Me. You think I overwhelm you, but you overwhelm Me! My love for you defies description. My heart is for you.  I AM steadfast and true. My love for you unchanging. Respond to Me. Melt into Me. Yield. I AM safe and My love shelters, protects, and restores. You are Mine. Continue reading “Alive in His Love (Moments with God)”

Blessing the Upright 

Psalm 84:11 (TLB) For Jehovah God is our Light and our Protector. He gives us grace and glory. No good thing will he withhold from those who walk along his paths.

Beloved, My desire to bless you is far greater than even your desire to be blessed. Walk in My ways. Read My word. Live it. Know it. Love it, for it is a part of Me. Those who know Truth are far less likely to be deceived. Arm yourself. Know Me, beloved. Position yourself for My blessings for I stand ready with more than you could possibly contain.

Grace and glory come from Me. All promotion (and even demotion) is from My hand. Trust that I AM moving according to your best interests and that of the kingdom. Continue reading “Blessing the Upright “

I Desire for You to Flourish

1 John 3:4 (AMP) Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness [ignoring God’s law by action or neglect or by tolerating wrongdoing—being unrestrained by His commands and His will].

Beloved, I have shared My will, My instructions, in My word. Do not deceive yourself or allow others to deceive you that I somehow do not mean what I say. I have provided these boundaries for you because I LOVE you. Not to restrain or exert My control over you, but because I KNOW the effect not following them has, and I desire better for you. I desire for you to flourish and prosper. Align with My will and My instructions, and watch blessing pour forth. For I have promised that if you heed My voice, blessings will come upon you and overtake you.

My will is not a mystery. I have made it clearly known. I invite you and welcome you to know Me more. Read My word and allow My Spirit to guide and teach you. I LONG to be known by you. If you poured out your heart in a love letter, you’d desire that it be read and cherished, for it is your heart on paper, and no one who bares their soul wants to be rejected or ignored. In the same way, I have laid My heart bare before you, come and know Me more, beloved, for My heart for you is love. I yearn to see you blessed and flourishing! Walk in My ways.

Hinds’ Feet on High Places

{vision} You are getting ready to ascend the hill of the LORD. He has you in a place that is safe where you can learn from Him and grow in Him. He will be inviting you to go along the journey upwards when the time is right and you are ready. There are many stops to make along the ascent—a meadow, a stream, a wildflower patch, and even a dry area. All of the stops have a lesson for you to learn before you move along. He will guide you, strengthen you, and be with you always as He has said in His word (Matthew 28:20). Continue reading “Hinds’ Feet on High Places”