Live: Empowered by Choice

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • We started with an impromptu field trip to see if the oven was still on LOL
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “CHALLENGES” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Lord of All” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “All of life presents challenges to overcome and grow through. Making daily choices to be healthy may be difficult, but not doing so and dealing with the resulting health challenges is difficult too; just as being fiscally responsible is challenging, but living in a constant state of debt and lack is as well. So choose wisely which challenges you want to take on, rather than allowing your non-decisions to force your hand.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Empowered by Choice”

Do I Trust

Do I trust Him with my life, or do I create strife.
Do I yield to His love, or act like it’s not enough.
Do I listen for His voice, or seek another choice.
Do I stop, be still and know; or am I too impatient to be slow.
Do I stay in the word, or listen to others I’ve heard.
Do I pray to Him, or just be quiet then.
I have a choice and I know it. He has clearly shown it.
Which way will I go, how much further along the road.
Until finally I lay down my piece of the crown.
The one I try to carry on my head but meanwhile my heart is dead.
Let me lay down my crown and exchange it for a gown.
Turn this heart of stone into a treasure only He can own.
Oh, to just trust that He really only wants the best for us.
To give myself away to Him is the greatest plan.
To let Him take me by the hand and lead me to the promise land.
Trust, trust Him I must, this is the better choice.
To let Him in my heart, to have a reason to rejoice.
Oh to trust Him more and more, is truly making my heart soar.

Live Honestly and in Harmony

Malachi 2:6 (VOICE) He spoke the law of truth, and falsehood was not found on his lips. In peace and justice he walked with Me, and he turned many from iniquity by his words and example;

Beloved, resist the urge to compromise your integrity. There is no such thing as a small lie. Even what appears as minor and innocuous opens doors in the spiritual realm and shifts things in the natural. 

Be known as a person of character. Be someone who resists falsehood, and who loves justice and peace. Lead by example, beloved. Be steadfast, and live in honesty and harmony.  Continue reading “Live Honestly and in Harmony”

Cast Your Crown

Revelation 4:10-11 (AMP) the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and they worship Him who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they exist, and were created and brought into being.”

Beloved, what will you do with the honors given you? What will you do with the blessings I put into your hands? Will you use them to build your own kingdom? Or will you willingly and joyously choose to lay them at My feet. 

Beloved, cast your crown before Me. Choose Me as the most valuable and precious gift of all. Find Me worthy and spend your life yielded and poured out before Me. For I AM faithful and true, worthy and steadfast – I AM the loving, righteous God. Worship Me.  Continue reading “Cast Your Crown”

Key to the Kingdom: Walk in Wisdom

Proverbs 21:22 (TPT) A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.

Beloved, wisdom is worth pursuing. Ask Me and I will give it. Seek Me and have more. Gain it and victories come swifter and sweeter, insight becomes ever clearer, and happiness overflows. Wisdom is well worth the pursuit. 

Wisdom begins with reverential fear of Me. The understanding that I AM God and you are not. A movement from self-dependence to complete reliance on Me. See where we can go – heights you cannot imagine and adventures beyond your imagination. Walk in wisdom, beloved, and that begins with pursuing Me. 

Key to the Kingdom: Keep Godly Company

Psalm 1:1 (VOICE) God’s blessings follow you and await you at every turn: when you don’t follow the advice of those who delight in wicked schemes, When you avoid sin’s highway, when judgment and sarcasm beckon you, but you refuse.

Beloved, be wise in the company you keep. Be intentional in fostering life-giving relationships that are rooted in a shared love of Me that you might grow together in the way I have intended.

Be mindful not to pull one another off course and be quick to restore each other in love when you stumble. Encourage one another to be your best self and to intentionally make choices that are righteous and pleasing to Me, for that is the path of life.

There is a time to connect with those who walk in a manner that opposes Me, but do so with the intention of releasing My light and love rather than allowing your own light to be diminished. You have been called for such a time as this. Shine brightly and love well.

Holy Obsession

Psalm 63:8 (TPT) With passion I pursue and cling to you. Because I feel your grip on my life, I keep my soul close to your heart.

Beloved, pursue Me as I pursue you – fervently and with your whole heart. Just as your lungs cry out for air when deprived of it, so your soul cries out for Me. So breath Me in deeply, beloved. I AM here and I AM rich with love for you – ready to saturate your senses and overwhelm you in the sweetest of ways.

Remember, beloved, that your choices and actions clearly indicate your focus. Choose wisely and with intention. Make Me your holy obsession. I AM worthy of your all, and I lavish My love upon those who choose Me. Continue reading “Holy Obsession”

Key to the Kingdom: Be Holy

Psalm 141:4 (VOICE) Don’t allow my deepest desires to steer me toward doing what is wrong or associating with wicked people Or joining in their wicked works or tasting any of their pleasures.

Beloved, be holy as I AM holy. Choose what is right and refuse to flirt with the line between what is right and wrong. Pursue righteousness. Set yourself up for success – flee from temptation and give it no place.

Fix your gaze on Me to understand the fullness of holiness, and then be like Me – for you are made in My image and called to shine brightly. Reflect Me. Reflect My character. Light the world with your holy blaze.