- Show and tell: Healing Rain (Original) magnet and special order Joyful Warrior Dyed4you Art flags
- Testimony: Excited Young Worshipper Breakthrough Dyed4you Art kid-sized flags
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): I Make the Desert Bloom
- Dyed4you Art: Healing Rain
- Dyed4you silk: Healing Flow large bendie wings (on Etsy)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “Waiting for the Red Sea to Part”
- Daily Downloads from Heaven available on Amazon – more info on the Author Meghan Williams page
Radiant Bride
There is a bridal gown – white and beautiful, covered in glittery jewels making it shine bright. And as I stand looking at it, I am struck with the thought, “how can I possibly wear this?” I feel so unworthy. I feel the weight of shame from my past – innocence lost, mistakes made. The loud voices saying “You are not enough.” Continue reading “Radiant Bride”
Journey of Destiny

Exodus 40:36(VOICE) Through all their wanderings in the desert, whenever the cloud lifted up from the congregation tent, the Israelites would break camp and set out.
Psalm 56:8(TPT) You’ve kept track of all my wandering and my weeping. You’ve stored my many tears in your bottle—not one will be lost. For they are all recorded in your book of remembrance.
There are times when things may hit us unexpectedly. Something may come out of the blue–throwing us off completely. We may immediately begin to search inwardly thinking we have done something wrong in order for THIS to happen. Unexpected life changes can have a way of feeling like a hard blow to the gut– leaving us feeling like the wind is knocked out of us. Even in THIS, Papa reminds us He is NEVER caught off-guard and He IS with us. Continue reading “Journey of Destiny”
Healing Oil
Jeremiah 8:22 (NET) There is still medicinal ointment available in Gilead! There is still a physician there! Why then have my dear people not been restored to health?
Beloved, press into Me – the Great Physician, and I will make you whole. Press into Me, YHVH Rapha – the Lord your healer, and I will give you rest. Look to Me as I pour out My healing oil – anointing you and bringing new life.
Stand fast and refuse to receive anything less than My best. Press in and remain expectant. And as you wait, remember My grace is sufficient for you. I AM with you, and I AM the One who heals.
Receive the Power of My Touch
Luke 8:46 (TPT) Jesus replied, “Yes, but I felt power surge through me. Someone touched me to be healed, and they received their healing.”
Beloved, don’t be afraid to reach out and grab hold of My healing flow. I AM YHVH Rapha, the Lord your Healer. Touch Me and receive your healing – whether it be in body, mind, or spirit, I have healing here for you.
Receive the power of My touch. Remember that to touch Me you must be in My presence. So stay close, beloved, and be healed by the power of My presence and My touch.
Flourish in My Healing Flow
Ezekiel 47:9 (NLT) There will be swarms of living things wherever the water of this river flows. Fish will abound in the Dead Sea, for its waters will become fresh. Life will flourish wherever this water flows.
Beloved, flourish in My healing flow. Watch as dead and dry places begin to burst forth in life. Nothing is impossible with Me, for I AM the God of the impossible. So embrace life and walk in truth.
Stay in the flow. Refuse to step away. Once life has been found, why would you choose anything less. So feel My breath and be washed and revived by My Spirit, and let My healing flow have its way.
Swing Wide the Gates of Healing
Acts 3:6 (VOICE) Peter: I want to give you something, but I don’t have any silver or gold. Here’s what I can offer you: stand up and walk in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, the Anointed One.
Beloved, My desire is that you should prosper. But resist the urge to define prosperity simply in monetary terms because that limited view hardly scratches the surface of what I desire for you.
I desire to see you whole and set free – shining in the brilliance and beauty of all I’ve created you to be. Receive, beloved. As I swing wide the gates of healing, receive wholeness and prosperity in every area of your life.
Gates of Healing
Acts 3:9-10 (TPT) When all the people saw him jumping up and down and heard him glorifying God, they realized it was the crippled beggar they had passed by in front of the Beautiful Gate. Astonishment swept over the crowd, for they were amazed over what had happened to him.
Beloved, don’t forget to be amazed. Have eyes to see My touch when I move and stand in awe. For I AM God and I AM able. Rejoice and glorify My name.
Be expectant and wait on Me. Look to Me first. And recognize the miraculous when I move. For I AM supernatural – I can move far beyond what your natural expectations may be, so increase your faith and swing wide the gates of healing.
The Power of My Touch
Malachi 4:2 (VOICE) But for you, the ones who tremble at the sound of My name, a warm sun of righteousness will come forth with healing in its rays, and you will go out, springing from the stalls like calves in open pasture.
Beloved, turn your face to the warmth of My Son with healing in His gaze. Be set free with resurrection power from the chains that have bound you. Spring forth in the fullness of your liberty.
Receive it all, beloved. Receive it all. Hold Me close in love and high in reverence. In all things trust Me, for I speak of mysteries and truth. Abide with Me – dwell in My presence. Be renewed, healed, and transformed by the power of My touch.
Feel My Glory Rising
Malachi 4:2 (AMP) But for you who fear My name [with awe-filled reverence] the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap [joyfully] like calves [released] from the stall.
Beloved, stay in that place of awe-filled wonder and trust that I AM able to do abundantly above all you can ask or think. For I AM able. Stand in adoration before your King.
Feel My glory rising and the tide of the miraculous along with it. Be ready, beloved. Be ready to burst forth in joy to the right and to the left. Be unrestrained in your praise to the One who is worthy. For I AM moving, beloved. Make ready.