Live: Light for the Next Step

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “TENACITY” card from D4Yart Deck 3 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Tenacious Bloom” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “You were created to bloom regardless of circumstance; you are more tenacious than you know. So when life seems to throw obstacles in your path, just be still and allow the way through to be highlighted. For nothing can stop your forward progress – your growth – but you; so stay focused and keep on blooming.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Light for the Next Step”

Live: Yielding to Divine Direction

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “OPEN DOORS” card from D4Yart Deck 3 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Heaven’s Door” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Watch for Divine direction – open doors, green lights, and a sense of peace. Trust the path that opens before you, and trust Spirit to close the doors that aren’t for you so that you aren’t led astray. And when all the paths seem blocked, simply keep watching for the open door to come – the green light will flash on in your spirit and peace will take hold.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Yielding to Divine Direction”

Break Off the Yoke of the Mundane

Know that your life is more than just ordinary routines. You think in the way of this world, but there is so much more when you expand your thinking outside the realm of this world. It’s not bad to have a schedule of things to do, but I’m asking you to be open to have your schedule completely turned upside down – to be willing to seek Me in all things and let Me guide you. If you will but let Me guide you, then even the mundane tasks can turn into encounters in My realm. Continue reading “Break Off the Yoke of the Mundane”

Be Bold in the Holy Spirit

Acts 4:13 (TPT) The council members were astonished as they witnessed the bold courage of Peter and John, especially when they discovered that they were just ordinary men who had never had religious training. Then they began to understand the effect Jesus had on them simply by spending time with him.

Beloved, boldness doesn’t have to come from training or education. Boldness can come from firm and unwavering belief. True faith doesn’t come from unquestionable physical evidence, for where would faith be in simple fact? To exercise faith is to be confident in what is understood through less tangible means. 

So rather than waiting for irrefutable evidence or certain levels of education, instead allow yourself to be bold in the Holy Spirit. Allow Me to lead and direct you – often in ways you’d never expect, and see how I move in and through you for My glory. That, beloved, is true faith – being wholly yielded to Me. Continue reading “Be Bold in the Holy Spirit”

Embrace the Things of Heaven

Proverbs 3:5 (VOICE) Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions.

Beloved, spread wide your arms and trust in Me. Take your hands off your circumstances and throw your head back and give praise to the One who is worthy. Know that I have you covered, so release it all to Me. 

I AM all you need. Let Me lift you in My love, and strengthen you by My Spirit. Let me give you true vision, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear can see and know the things not of the earthly realm. Embrace the things of heaven, and trust in Me. Continue reading “Embrace the Things of Heaven”

Boldness Birthed in the Quiet Place

Acts‬ ‭4:31‬ ‭(AMP) And when they had prayed, the place where they were meeting together was shaken [a sign of God’s presence]; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness and courage.

Beloved, boldness is birthed in the quiet place. Godly boldness doesn’t come from being brash or needing to be the center of attention. It is birthed in a place of yielded humility – one of beautiful intimacy with Me.

In intimacy, My nature is increasingly revealed. And as I’m known, faith in Me is the result. And from that firm foundation of faith, grows a holy boldness that is earth-shaking. When I meet with My children, they cannot help but be changed. And those who have been radically changed cannot keep it to themselves because such truth is too beautiful not to share.

So meet with Me. Yield in humility. Allow Me to shake you – to realign you and empower you for My good work. Then watch what I will do through you as we change the world together. Continue reading “Boldness Birthed in the Quiet Place”

Ignite the World in My Glory

Luke 10:19 (AMP) Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you.

Beloved, human mind cannot fully comprehend the power of My Spirit. And yet, as you yield to Me and allow My power to work in and through you, the work of My Spirit is accomplished through human vessels. 

The supernatural is natural to Me. My children should expect to walk in My power – not in a way that puffs up human pride, but in a way that glorifies Me and expands My Kingdom. 

So be expectant for Me to move. Be expectant for My authority to be entrusted to My children. In humility, yield to My Spirit and watch how together we will move – igniting the world in My glory.  Continue reading “Ignite the World in My Glory”

My Golden Flow

Psalm 46:4 (VOICE) A pure stream flows— never to be cut off— bringing joy to the city where God makes His home, the sacred site where the Most High chooses to live.

Beloved, as I have deposited in you, so pour forth the golden flow of My anointing. Be a vessel of My Spirit, and be obedient to My direction – not from a place of constantly fearing doing wrong, but from a yielded heart sensitive to My leading. 

As you are open to Me, My flow continually pours into you and you will never run dry. So stay open to Me, and trust Me when I say it’s time to pause – even when there are more good things to be done around you. For I know what you are capable of, and I will not give you more than you can handle as you rest in Me. 

So pour out as I pour in, beloved. Trust My leading, and yield to Me. Then watch as the golden flow of My anointing continues pouring – changing the lives of those it touches.