Barren No More

I am awakened by the sound of the wind. How I got to the wilderness I don’t know, but I am keenly aware of the ground beneath me. It’s dry and cracked with no life at all. I lift my eyes to look around and all I see is dry, barren, cracked ground. The wind sends the dust from the ground to and fro. I shield my eyes from the bright sun and the dust of this harsh landscape.  Continue reading “Barren No More”

Spring of Hope

“Sun of Righteousness” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

John 4:13-14 (NKJV) Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

There is a saying that goes, “Hope springs eternal.” As someone who battled the darkness of depression for over ten years, I once struggled to believe that such a thing was true. Anyone who has faced depression knows that hopelessness is a key component in that battle. Wounds of the past can cast such shadows on our path, that it can be hard to imagine and hope for better experiences in life. Continue reading “Spring of Hope”

Speak Life (Ezekiel 37)

James 3:9-11 (VOICE) Ironically this same tongue can be both an instrument of blessing to our Lord and Father and a weapon that hurls curses upon others who are created in God’s own image. One mouth streams forth both blessings and curses. My brothers and sisters, this is not how it should be. Does a spring gush crystal clear freshwater and moments later spurt out bitter salt water?

Beloved, would you be a vessel for darkness? And yet the temptation to speak the things of darkness into existence is strong, but you are stronger. So refuse to give in to bitterness and anger, jealousy and hatred, greed and destruction. Look to the root that wants to bear such fruit and invite Me to move. Then as you trust My sovereignty, watch as I bring forth beauty from ashes and give joy for mourning. Continue reading “Speak Life (Ezekiel 37)”

New Life is Bursting Forth

Beloved, refuse to resist the “prescribed burns” of My holy fire. In the same way that farmers will burn their fields to the ground to encourage enriched regrowth, so will I bring what appears to be brutal devastation for the purpose of bringing forth new life. This seeming destruction may feel at odds with My character, which you know to be good, but when you embrace the fiery season, it becomes more life-giving than you could begin to imagine. Continue reading “New Life is Bursting Forth”

The Desert is in Bloom

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV) He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

There is beauty and life blossoming within you, beloved, you just have to look for it. I know the state of your life has seemed so dry and barren for so long. But the past is the past and a glorious future is now upon you. Continue reading “The Desert is in Bloom”

The Joy of Eternal Life

Psalm 16:11 (NKJV) You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Beloved, know that I have given you fullness of joy because I have granted you complete access to My Presence. Resist the urge to become discouraged when the earthly realm shifts your focus and you feel out of alignment with Me. Simply stop, take a breath, and seek Me. Look to the Cross and remember that the way has been paved back into the Garden of My Presence. Your old life is gone and I have made you new. The newness of life that you now have is eternal and lived by faith, and daily I call you to discover what that means. Continue reading “The Joy of Eternal Life”

Fount of Life

Psalm 68:6 (VOICE) He makes a home for those who are alone. He frees the prisoners and leads them to prosper. Yet those who rebel against Him live in the barren land without His blessings and prosperity.

Beloved, you are not alone, for I AM with you. And I place you within the body of My family and give you a place of connection and peace. Prosper in this place of freedom, and zealously cultivate it by not just receiving and drawing life from its midst, but also sowing in your own precious flow. 

I have placed life within you, and you choose to pour it forth from your mouth, or not. So beloved, be intentional. Choose to be a fount of life even as you enjoy the life-giving flow of those around you. Then enjoy the beautiful harmony of what My body can be.