Be My Love with Skin On

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love is gentle and consistently kind to all…

Beloved, refuse to allow pride (or any fleshly response) to bait you into responding rashly or causing hurt to another. A fool vents his emotions, and you are no fool. You are master of your emotions (for My Spirit empowers you) and have no need to thrust them on someone else for a moment’s pleasure.

Bring those feelings to Me. Bring all your hurts and frustrations, all the injustices and woundings. I AM the healer and restorer, I will tend your heart. So be intentional about reflecting Mine.

Walk in kindness and compassion. See past someone’s poor response to the heart of why they’re reacting the way they are. Are they immature? Demonstrate good behavior. Are they having a bad day? Encourage them. Are they frazzled and on edge? Seek to bring peace. Use the discernment of My Spirit, beloved, and be My love with skin on. Continue reading “Be My Love with Skin On”

I AM Your True North

1 Peter 1:25 (TLV) But the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was proclaimed as Good News to you.

Beloved, My word endures forever. From everlasting to everlasting I remain. I AM steadfast and sure – unchanging and completely dependable. You can rely on Me. I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever. Those around you may disappoint and shift like sand, but I remain the same.

I AM your true north – your touch point, your anchor. Let Me be your firm foundation in a world ever changing. Fear has no place as you put your trust in Me for I AM El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One, and I fiercely love and protect My children. My heart towards them – towards you – is unchanging and wholly loyal. Rest in the shadow of My wings for there you will find peace.

I AM YHVH Shalom

2 Peter 2:9 (NLT) So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment.

Beloved, no circumstance is so complex that I’m unable to extract you from it. There are times I may walk you through for your character’s sake, but I AM always able. So trust Me and never hesitate to ask Me for help for I AM a very present help in times of trouble.

Take My hand and walk in peace – regardless of circumstance. I AM YHVH Shalom, the Lord your Peace, and I will never leave you or forsake you. My joy is your strength and it is always there for the taking because it is found in My presence and I will always receive you. No trouble is too great. No shame too heavy. Nothing will keep Me from My children nor lessen My love for them – and that means you.

Silk: My Carrier of Peace

The name of this silk is My Carrier of Peace (also read the testimony about this silk Peace Breakthrough). The colors in it are:

  • Sky blue representing open heaven and rain
  • Electric blue representing intensity
  • Brandy representing rich life coming forth from the dry places
  • Black representing Shadow of the Almighty and hovering of Holy Spirit
  • Silver representing armor of God and righteousness
  • Pearl representing angelic presence and divine light

Continue reading “Silk: My Carrier of Peace”

Allow My Perfect Love to Impart Perfect Peace

John 14:27 (TLB) I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

Beloved, peace is My gift to you. As you rest in the knowledge that I AM sovereign, I AM for you, I AM covering you, and I AM working all things for good; you can relax into that place of abandoned control – leaving the details to Me and receiving for yourself the peace that surpasses all understanding. For I AM faithful and the peace I bring is one that combats chaos, a strong and active peace. Unshakable and abiding.

When you truly comprehend and accept who I AM, you can stop trying to manage and manipulate the details and release them to Me knowing My ability to handle them far exceeds your own both because of My view (I see the beginning and the end) and because of My wisdom (I see the inner workings and know the secret thoughts of men’s hearts). And when all that is framed in My deep and unending love for you, you no longer will feel the need to usurp My role, but instead will happily place it in My hands and skip off with the lightness and joy of the child you are called to be. Beloved, allow My perfect love to impart perfect peace.

Beautiful Life

Psalm 16:11 (VOICE) …You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life. As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending, and I know true joy and contentment.

Beloved, My plans for you are beautiful and will fill you with more contentment than you can begin to imagine. Release yourself completely to My care and My loving hands. My plans for you are good plans – plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future.

Allow Me to direct your path. Even in the trials, joy will steady you as you willingly yield to Me. Beautiful is the life I have for you. Rejoice in it and in how I move in and through you, beloved. Continue reading “Beautiful Life”

Bridle Your Tongue and Love Like Me

James 1:19 (VOICE) Listen, open your ears, harness your desire to speak, and don’t get worked up into a rage so easily, my brothers and sisters.

Beloved, be intentional to bridle your tongue. Resist the urge to vent your frustrations and instead cultivate peace so the frustration won’t come as easily. Like a muscle that can be trained and strengthened, you can increase your ability to hold onto your inner peace. Press into My Spirit. Allow Me to bring you shalom – the peace that wars against chaos – in every circumstance.  What you feed will grow. Will you feed the frustration or feed the peace?

Listen, beloved. Hear beyond people’s hurts and pride. Hear what is underneath them. Listen with My ears and hear with My heart. See the wounds and brokenness that cause the behavior. Be moved with compassion. Pray for them. Demonstrate My love instead of reacting to offense. Choose to love like Me, and walk in peace and unshakable joy. Continue reading “Bridle Your Tongue and Love Like Me”

Godly Patience, a Tangible Love

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting]…

Beloved, remember that your actions reflect on Me. Whether you are aware or not, people watch to see how you react and respond to people and situations. They want to know if relationship with Me and My presence in a person really make a difference. Pause and ponder what messages you send about Me and if they’re the ones you want and intend to send.

I’ve instructed you to bear with one another in love. Just as I AM patient and long-suffering with you, I have asked you to do likewise with those around you. Reflect Me. Reflect My heart. Show that the fruit of My Spirit in you is a godly patience that operates in true, tangible love. Let that fruit be manifest for all to see for it is good.  Continue reading “Godly Patience, a Tangible Love”

Cultivate the Peace of My Presence 

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…[inner] peace…

Beloved, the quiet that you find inside is from Me. Seek it. Cultivate it. Cultivate the quiet that exudes – that shalom that others can feel. It is a tangible and comforting presence, like a deep exhale – rest for the tired and soul weary. My peace isn’t a passive presence – it wars against chaos – much like light dispels darkness, My peace dispels chaos and stress.

So find that place within you where I reside. Cultivate and enlarge its footprint in your life. Make room. Make way. Open the doors for Me to flood you with the peace of My presence. Then dwell there, refusing to be moved regardless of circumstances or the world around you. I AM peace and I AM with you. Watch and pray.

Win Them Without a Word

Ephesians 6:13a, 15 (AMP) Therefore, put on the complete armor of God…  and having strapped on your feet the gospel of peace in preparation [to face the enemy with firm-footed stability and the readiness produced by the good news].

Beloved, share My word. Speak My truth. Speak it in actions birthed from obedience and love. More are watching you than you realize, so never forget Who you host and let the light, joy, peace, and love of My Spirit pour out from within you. Snatch others from the grip of the enemy with My strong love.

For it is a gospel of peace; that peace that surpasses all understanding that is your inheritance. Cultivate it. Cherish it. Refuse to allow the enemy to steal it. Let it surround you so as you step close to others, they feel it and want it for themselves. You will win them without a word, beloved, simply through the peace and love in your presence that come from Me.