Do I trust Him with my life, or do I create strife.
Do I yield to His love, or act like it’s not enough.
Do I listen for His voice, or seek another choice.
Do I stop, be still and know; or am I too impatient to be slow.
Do I stay in the word, or listen to others I’ve heard.
Do I pray to Him, or just be quiet then.
I have a choice and I know it. He has clearly shown it.
Which way will I go, how much further along the road.
Until finally I lay down my piece of the crown.
The one I try to carry on my head but meanwhile my heart is dead.
Let me lay down my crown and exchange it for a gown.
Turn this heart of stone into a treasure only He can own.
Oh, to just trust that He really only wants the best for us.
To give myself away to Him is the greatest plan.
To let Him take me by the hand and lead me to the promise land.
Trust, trust Him I must, this is the better choice.
To let Him in my heart, to have a reason to rejoice.
Oh to trust Him more and more, is truly making my heart soar.