Harvest Prayers

Matthew 9:38 (AMP) So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”

Beloved, the harvest is precious to Me. Each heart, each soul is priceless to Me. I desire that not one would be lost. There are so many to be reached, so resist the urge to be distracted by fruitless endeavors. Instead be intentional – not just being a light, but in prayer. 

Be praying for the harvest, beloved, both for Me to send workers and for hearts to be prepared. Intentionally and relentlessly pray. Allow My passion to become yours. Pray, beloved, pray. Continue reading “Harvest Prayers”

The Currency of Prayer (Faith)

Luke 18:1 (VOICE) He told them a parable, urging them to keep praying and never grow discouraged…

Beloved, refuse to grow discouraged if I seem slow to answer. Is that not the essence of faith? Continue sowing the currency of prayer, waiting expectantly for things to move and shift as a result. I will not be mocked, that which you sow surely shall you reap. So sow abundantly that you might also reap an abundant harvest. 

Resist the urge to be discouraged by the evidence of what you see in the natural realm. The changes you long for may have yet begun in the spiritual realm long before they manifest on earth. So refuse to give up. Refuse to lose heart. Be like the persistent widow, beloved, and persist! Act in faith and believe.  Continue reading “The Currency of Prayer (Faith)”

Ask But Trust

Luke 18:7 (AMP) And will not [our just] God defend and avenge His elect [His chosen ones] who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay [in providing justice] on their behalf?

Beloved, do you think I ignore your petitions when you don’t see the answers you expect in your desired timeframe? Do you think Me callous to your cries, or unmindful of your needs? If so, you malign My character.

For I AM a good Father who deeply loves His children and is mindful of every plea. I hurt when you hurt, and I rejoice when you rejoice. Nothing within your sphere is beyond My notice. You do not have to plead for Me to care for your concerns because I care deeply even before you say a word.

Beloved, remember I AM God. I see all and know all. I AM the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I know when the thing you seek will bring consequences you neither want nor need, so trust Me to be God. Trust that I love you and will exercise wisdom and move on your behalf. Trust that I have a good plan even in the midst of trials.

And regardless of all, simply continue to ask. Ask in faith – trusting My judgment and will, but asking nonetheless just as a child does to a beloved parent, making their thoughts and desires known and submitting them to their parent for consideration all the while trusting they will be taken care of because they are loved.

Closer Still

Psalm 55:1 (TPT) God, listen to my prayer! Don’t hide your heart from me when I cry out to you!

Beloved, I hear you. Your heart and thoughts are precious to Me. You don’t need to fight for My attention, you have it. My gaze is fixed on you. I can’t get enough. What matters to you, matters to Me.

So cry out knowing I AM listening. Cry out knowing I AM there with you. Pour out your thoughts and fears, your heart and tears, I want it all – the fullness of you.

Then listen, beloved, for My whispered words as I share My heart with you. As you give Me your heart, I hold Mine there for you beckoning you closer still. So come, beloved, come. Closer still.

Make Room for Me to Move

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …respond to the very ones who persecute you by praying for them…

Beloved, prayer releases people and situations into My very capable hands. Refuse to be impressed by the hurtful words and actions the enemy would distract you with, and instead see with My eyes and perceive what is at the root.

Pray healing and restoration over those who would do you harm. That in no way gives approval to their wrongs, it simply shifts the spiritual atmosphere and makes room for Me to move. Be intentional to invite Me into every moment and trust Me to move. Continue reading “Make Room for Me to Move”

Bless Without Reserve

Matthew 5:43-48 (TPT) …bless the one who curses you…

Beloved, refuse to retaliate in kind. Refuse to stoop to a level that diminishes your witness. Responding in love isn’t the same thing as receiving the curse they’ve spoken, it is simply choosing a higher path – My path.

So bless all you touch, including those who curse you or seek to do you harm. Ask Me to move in their lives. Ask Me to touch them and heal their hearts. Blessing someone isn’t you submitting yourself as a doormat, it is you refusing to shift into a negative mindset simply because someone else is. Operate in love and bless without reserve. Continue reading “Bless Without Reserve”

No One is Beyond My Reach

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love…never gives up…

Beloved, no one is beyond redemption. No one is beyond My reach. Regardless of the severity of circumstance, refuse to give up and write someone off. Always persist in prayer, steadfastly prophesying truth – My truth – over a person and situation. Nothing is too hard for Me.

Love without reserve. Love without hesitation. Love without thought of protecting your heart from disappointment. Let Me protect and heal you as you reflect My love. And in those moments when your heart feels the sting of disappointment (and sometimes that sting is a crushing blow), know you are feeling what I have felt, and seek to identify with Me and know Me more. My love will see you through. Continue reading “No One is Beyond My Reach”

My Wonderworking Power

Matthew 6:10 (VOICE) Bring about Your kingdom. Manifest Your will here on earth, as it is manifest in heaven.

Beloved, I would that all would see and know My wonderworking power. Pray and ask for My Kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaven. Ask for the miraculous, then wait expectantly for Me to move, to manifest My glory.

What good father whose child asks for bread would give instead a stone? How much more expectant can you be of Me and the kindnesses I show My children who I love? Wait. Trust. And without ceasing, pray.

Steadfastly Believe the Best

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love…never stops believing the best for others…

Beloved, continually believing the best of those around you in the face of evidence to the contrary doesn’t make you gullible or foolish, it makes you hope-filled. Catch My vision of who each individual is and hold fast to that knowledge, refusing to be swayed into believing something different.

Align with My heart for them and operate from an expectation of that good. Prophesy and call it forth. Pray for them that it might be manifest. And through it all love them, extend grace to them, and steadfastly believe the best of them. Continue reading “Steadfastly Believe the Best”

Watch as I Move

Ephesians 1:19 (TPT) I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you!…

Beloved, though I cannot be controlled or manipulated, there is power I have made available to you that is accessible through your faith. As you partner with Me, the fullness of My glory is made manifest and demonstrates the awesome working of My mighty strength. This is done that the world might know Me and the character of who I AM – My sovereignty.

So exercise your faith in accordance with My word. Be expectant of the miraculous. Intercede and ask for the assistance of the hosts of heaven. Believe because you KNOW who I AM. Then watch as I move and testify of My goodness for I AM God. Continue reading “Watch as I Move”