Luke 18:7 (AMP) And will not [our just] God defend and avenge His elect [His chosen ones] who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay [in providing justice] on their behalf?
Beloved, do you think I ignore your petitions when you don’t see the answers you expect in your desired timeframe? Do you think Me callous to your cries, or unmindful of your needs? If so, you malign My character.
For I AM a good Father who deeply loves His children and is mindful of every plea. I hurt when you hurt, and I rejoice when you rejoice. Nothing within your sphere is beyond My notice. You do not have to plead for Me to care for your concerns because I care deeply even before you say a word.
Beloved, remember I AM God. I see all and know all. I AM the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I know when the thing you seek will bring consequences you neither want nor need, so trust Me to be God. Trust that I love you and will exercise wisdom and move on your behalf. Trust that I have a good plan even in the midst of trials.
And regardless of all, simply continue to ask. Ask in faith – trusting My judgment and will, but asking nonetheless just as a child does to a beloved parent, making their thoughts and desires known and submitting them to their parent for consideration all the while trusting they will be taken care of because they are loved.