Many years back, a prophet named Richard Knight shared an analogy about operating in the prophetic that was so profound it has stuck with me a decade and a half later. He likened operating in the prophetic to being a postman. It’s our job to deliver the message – that’s it. The postman isn’t responsible for making sure bills are paid. They aren’t on the hook for ensuring RSVPs are sent out. They aren’t even responsible for making sure mail is retrieved from the mailbox. They simply deliver it. Continue reading “Being a Yielded Vessel of God’s (John 15)”
Recreated by His Word

Psalm 33:6, 9 (NKJV) By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. … For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.
To read the first chapter of the book of Genesis, I never cease to be in awe of how God brought about creation through the breath of His mouth. What He spoke came forth into existence just as He envisioned. And what began in chaos and void, was shaped and filled into a thing of beauty. Creation is God’s canvas and the very the manifestation of His thoughts. But have you ever considered how creation is still responding to God’s words? Even more, have you ever considered how you and I are being created—or recreated—by the words that God speaks? Continue reading “Recreated by His Word”
Declare with Courageous Confidence
Acts 4:31 (VOICE) They finished their prayer, and immediately the whole place where they had gathered began to shake. All the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began speaking God’s message with courageous confidence.
Beloved, you have been filled and empowered by My Holy Spirit. Walk the victory My Spirit brings. With courageous confidence declare My Word and in unwavering expectation watch for My promises to unfold. I AM faithful and you are mighty in Me.
You are equipped, beloved. Protected in the armor of God with My heavenly hosts at the ready beside. Never doubt our strength or give in to the temptation to fear. I AM steadfast and I AM sure. Prophesy, beloved. Declare My Word into all the earth. For I AM good and greatly to be praised.
Spirit of the Lord
Luke 4:18 (VOICE) The Spirit of the Lord the Eternal One is on Me. Why? Because the Eternal designated Me to be His representative to the poor, to preach good news to them.
Beloved, be My voice. Open your mouth and trust Me to fill it. Allow My Spirit to flow through you, to inspire thought and action, to give vision of the unseen, and to bring prophetic revelation in My perfect timing. Trust, and yield to My flow.
As you partner with My Spirit, you will see the miraculous take place. The supernatural will become as if it were common so clear and continuous its evidence. The gifts of My Spirit alive and on display for all to see. The beauty of My glory manifest on earth and in the heavens. Choose, beloved, choose to yield and flow in Me. Continue reading “Spirit of the Lord”
Trust Me to Lead or Correct
1 Corinthians 13:9 (KJV) For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
Beloved, listen for My voice. Trust that you hear Me and trust that I will speak. Hold what I share with an open hand, trusting Me to lead or correct.
Beloved, how do you explain something to someone that is beyond their expectations or comprehension? Know that sometimes, like a sailboat tacking to and fro, making steady – albeit indirect – progress, I will find ways to guide and direct you that may seem indirect or even contrary, but if you will trust and release the leading to Me, you begin to see the route taking shape even amongst all the course corrections.
I AM not changeable though to you it may seem like I change My mind. I AM directing you in the way that you will best be able to follow, yield to My leading and trust Me to lead. Remember the journey is a primary part of the goal, not just the destination. Continue reading “Trust Me to Lead or Correct “
Speak Truth
Proverbs 6:16-19 (VOICE) Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates; no, make it seven He abhors: …a tongue that can’t be trusted…
Beloved, let your yes be yes and your no be no. Let your word be your bond – steadfast and reliable. Be true to your word just as I am to Mine, which I watch over to perform. You are made in My image, rightly reflect Me. Speak truth, and do so consistently and with love.
Remember your words bring forth life or death at your discretion, so choose life. Speak truth over those I place around you. The words of your mouth come from the overflow of your heart, so tend your heart with care, and take care to nurture others’ as well. Continue reading “Speak Truth”
Life-Changing Love
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love never stops loving…
Beloved, I never stop loving you. Regardless of your choices, actions, thoughts and all the moments you fall short, My love remains the same. My hope for you is steadfast, and I find you inherently worthy of love no matter the decisions you make or whether other people seem to find you so. My love for you is eternal and unconditional, and you are made in My image.
You were created not just to be loved, but to love – without reserve. You may hate choices or be disappointed in situations, but refuse to let your love – based on the inherent nature of each person and the way I created them – to change. Be steadfast. Hold to the truth of who I made them. Expect that, prophesy it. Be relentless in prayer, and lavish love – and do so without strings or contingencies. Love like that is life-changing. Continue reading “Life-Changing Love”
No One is Beyond My Reach
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love…never gives up…
Beloved, no one is beyond redemption. No one is beyond My reach. Regardless of the severity of circumstance, refuse to give up and write someone off. Always persist in prayer, steadfastly prophesying truth – My truth – over a person and situation. Nothing is too hard for Me.
Love without reserve. Love without hesitation. Love without thought of protecting your heart from disappointment. Let Me protect and heal you as you reflect My love. And in those moments when your heart feels the sting of disappointment (and sometimes that sting is a crushing blow), know you are feeling what I have felt, and seek to identify with Me and know Me more. My love will see you through. Continue reading “No One is Beyond My Reach”
Steadfastly Believe the Best
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love…never stops believing the best for others…
Beloved, continually believing the best of those around you in the face of evidence to the contrary doesn’t make you gullible or foolish, it makes you hope-filled. Catch My vision of who each individual is and hold fast to that knowledge, refusing to be swayed into believing something different.
Align with My heart for them and operate from an expectation of that good. Prophesy and call it forth. Pray for them that it might be manifest. And through it all love them, extend grace to them, and steadfastly believe the best of them. Continue reading “Steadfastly Believe the Best”
Using the Creative Force of Your Mouth for Blessing
Proverbs 18:21 (AMP) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.
Beloved, your mouth will bear fruit, the question is what kind. Will it be bitter or sweet? Will it bring forth life or cause death? Choose wisely, beloved. Align you heart and mouth and mind with Mine. Speak the echos of My heart, and watch the beautiful life that springs forth.
Be mindful of each word. Resist the urge to indulge in careless ones, understand the weight and responsibility of being a creative force, and choosing to be one for good by blessing.