Run, Rest, Rely

Proverbs 18:10 (TPT) The character of God is a tower of strength, for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart and be exalted on high.

Beloved, I AM sovereign, and I AM strong. I AM YHVH Tsur – the Lord your strength, and YHVH Misgab – the Lord your Strong Tower. I AM unchanging – the alpha and omega, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Rest in Me.

My character is infallible. It creates a safe and stable foundation for you – a place you can rely on. Rest in Me. My name reflects My character, for I AM that I AM. Remember, beloved, run to Me, rest in Me, and rely on Me, for I AM wholly faithful and ever true.  Continue reading “Run, Rest, Rely”

True Fulfillment

Proverbs 25:14 (VOICE) Like clouds and wind that bring no rain, so is one who boasts of gifts promised but never delivered.

Beloved, be known as a person of your word. Resist the urge to indulge in the rush of joy that giving a happy promise brings, and simply do what you are led to do. Do it without fanfare or a desire for praise. Simply do it because it’s what is right and good. 

The heady feel of the praise of men can quickly become an addiction which enslaves you. Resist being drawn in. Instead focus on walking in integrity and following My leadings. For that is where true fulfillment is found.

Rest In My Strength

2 Corinthians 12:9 (AMP) but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.

Beloved, I am your strength. I am the very power that sustains your life. My ability to sustain you is much more than physical, and it is always available for you to draw on. However, never is My keeping power more apparent than in times when you feel the weakest. Yes, times of trial can be humbling. Through them, you learn to draw on My strength day to day, and moment to moment when necessary. But I do not wish for you lose sight of this truth, for this is who I am to all the days of your life. Continue reading “Rest In My Strength”

Knowing When to Save Your Breath

Proverbs 23:9 (VOICE) Do not waste your wisdom on a fool, for he doesn’t care for anything you have to say.

Beloved, sometimes walking in humility looks like knowing when to save your breath rather than wasting wise counsel on one who will not listen. Pride will urge you on so that later you may say, “I told you so,” but there is no benefit in doing so. 

Instead humbly hold your counsel, and pray that their eyes might be opened. Be moved with compassion knowing that there have been times when you yourself have been the fool. So be grateful that day is past, and pray for theirs to pass quickly too. Continue reading “Knowing When to Save Your Breath”

YHVH Tsidkenu (the Lord your Righteousness)

Proverbs 2:7 (VOICE) He has stored up the essentials of sound wisdom for those who do right; He acts as a shield for those who value integrity.

Beloved, I AM the righteous One – YHVH Tsidkenu, the Lord your righteousness, and I value integrity. I have wisdom and insight stored up for those who seek to walk uprightly. And to those who treat with honor that which they’ve been given, more will be bestowed. 

So seek My face and choose to act rightly – according to My definition, not what seems right to the eyes of men or to your own heart. Rather seek Me and know My ways, then walk in them. And know that as you seek to walk with Me, I will make your pathway sure. 

The Depths of My Wisdom

Proverbs 2:6 (VOICE) The Eternal is ready to share His wisdom with us, for His words bring true knowledge and insight;

Beloved, I have so much to share, but to hear it you must quiet yourself and listen. If you have something of value to share and the person you want to share it with is giving you little to no attention, does that foster your desire to share? Absolutely not. And often if you power through and share it anyway, it’s treated lightly or as though it has no value, which diminishes the gift that’s been given. 

In the same way, beloved, I will not chase after you trying to share the depths of My mysteries. Those come only through your time and pursuit. But, beloved, they are well worth the effort, and here and available if you take time to abide. So seek Me while I may be found, and open yourself to the depths of My wisdom.

Love Conquers All

Proverbs 11:25 (NKJV) The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.

You have given of yourself with an open heart, never holding back. Papa has seen and noted every sacrifice you’ve made without thinking twice about it. He watched you pour out to others and He rejoiced with tears in His eyes because you have His heart! Through you the ones around you see what the Fathers love truly is… selfless and never ending! Continue reading “Love Conquers All”

Find the Truth in My Gaze

Proverbs 16:6 (TPT) You can avoid evil through surrendered worship and the fear of God, for the power of his faithful love removes sin’s guilt and grip over you.

Beloved, not only is your praise a mighty weapon, but it is a fearsome shield as well. It keeps your attentions focused on that which is good and true, and protects you from the enemy’s diversions. A besotted bride is not tempted by another, for her gaze is too well-fixed on the one she holds so dear. 

And, as this bride rests in the adoration of her beloved, she is not thinking of all the ways she’s missed the mark or all her personal shortcomings, for her reality is painted by his perception – that of his pure and spotless bride. In the same way, beloved, find your truth in My gaze. 

Look for Me

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NKJV) He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

Look for Me, beloved. Look for Me to fulfill My Word in great ways and in small. Seek Me continually that I might shine revelation upon My Word, and illuminate events both past and present to bring them into perspective. Yet even as you seek Me, do so with a humble heart understanding that both the plan for your life and the plan for the whole of creation is far beyond what you are capable of fathoming. I Am the Infinite and Eternal Creator, able to fulfill My Word again and again and at new dimensions. I do all things well, and I do them in truth and in harmony. Continue reading “Look for Me”

Key to the Kingdom: Walk in Wisdom

Proverbs 21:22 (TPT) A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.

Beloved, wisdom is worth pursuing. Ask Me and I will give it. Seek Me and have more. Gain it and victories come swifter and sweeter, insight becomes ever clearer, and happiness overflows. Wisdom is well worth the pursuit. 

Wisdom begins with reverential fear of Me. The understanding that I AM God and you are not. A movement from self-dependence to complete reliance on Me. See where we can go – heights you cannot imagine and adventures beyond your imagination. Walk in wisdom, beloved, and that begins with pursuing Me.