Attune your ears to the spiritual – focus on this realm and not on the natural realm. Do you hear it My child? Continue reading “Listen to My Sound”
Fostering Deeper Intimacy with God
Attune your ears to the spiritual – focus on this realm and not on the natural realm. Do you hear it My child? Continue reading “Listen to My Sound”
Psalm 46:4 (VOICE) A pure stream flows— never to be cut off— bringing joy to the city where God makes His home, the sacred site where the Most High chooses to live.
Beloved, as I have deposited in you, so pour forth the golden flow of My anointing. Be a vessel of My Spirit, and be obedient to My direction – not from a place of constantly fearing doing wrong, but from a yielded heart sensitive to My leading.
As you are open to Me, My flow continually pours into you and you will never run dry. So stay open to Me, and trust Me when I say it’s time to pause – even when there are more good things to be done around you. For I know what you are capable of, and I will not give you more than you can handle as you rest in Me.
So pour out as I pour in, beloved. Trust My leading, and yield to Me. Then watch as the golden flow of My anointing continues pouring – changing the lives of those it touches.
John 3:8 (TPT) For the Spirit-wind blows as it chooses. You can hear its sound, but you don’t know where it came from or where it’s going. So it is within the hearts of those who are Spirit-born!”
Beloved, as you yield to My Spirit, expect the unexpected. For the way I think and move isn’t the same as you might think or move. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways” (Isaiah 55:8).
So expand your expectations. Be open to how I might move, and be ready to go with My flow. Release any expectation of control and fully yield to Me.
Ezekiel 47:9 (NLT) There will be swarms of living things wherever the water of this river flows. Fish will abound in the Dead Sea, for its waters will become fresh. Life will flourish wherever this water flows.
Beloved, flourish in My healing flow. Watch as dead and dry places begin to burst forth in life. Nothing is impossible with Me, for I AM the God of the impossible. So embrace life and walk in truth.
Stay in the flow. Refuse to step away. Once life has been found, why would you choose anything less. So feel My breath and be washed and revived by My Spirit, and let My healing flow have its way.
Ephesians 5:26 (VOICE) …He gave Himself up completely to make her His own, washing her clean of all her impurity with water and the powerful presence of His word.
Beloved, allow My Word to wash over you. Take the time to soak in it. Meditate and saturate. Be washed clean, refreshed, and renewed. Allow it to hydrate and soften you, let it remove and restructure areas that are dry and brittle.
And in the same way water refuses to be held back – managing to find cracks and crevices, and then over time changing the shape of even the hardest surfaces, yield to the life-changing flow and be transformed.
Song of Songs 1:2 (TPT) Let him smother me with kisses—his Spirit-kiss divine. So kind are your caresses, I drink them in like the sweetest wine!
Beloved, receive My fresh flow from heaven. For I AM pouring out My love like the sweetest of wine to minister to your heart. Heady and intoxicating – be swept away in the rushing flow as you surrender to My love.
Persistent and irresistible, yield to My heart, beloved. You have nothing to fear from Me, for I love you with a passionate intensity beyond your wildest imaginings. You are the apple of My eye and immeasurably precious to Me. Drown in My affections and be made whole.
Isaiah 66:12 (KJV) For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream…
Beloved, My peace I give you, My peace I leave. Receive the tender flow, and allow its gentle stream to minister to your heart. It is always there for you, you have simply to pause and receive – draw heaven into earth.
And pray for that peace to flow to those around you, so many are in desperate need. Be intentional to shift the atmosphere – allowing peace to war against chaos. And just as a steady stream can move and shape a rock, so peace can change and overcome the trials surrounding you. So receive My life-changing peace.
Isaiah 43:19 (GW) I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.
Beloved, make way for My fresh flow from heaven. I AM pouring out My love like fresh wine and My anointing like fresh oil. Receive it. Reach up with outstretched hands and welcome My overflow. Be saturated and refreshed, changed and renewed. And most of all, know that you are loved.
My love changes things. It softens hearts of stone, heals wounded souls, and brings life to the desert places. Receive My love, precious one. Allow it to permeate and saturate – life and beauty spring forth in its wake. I AM doing something new and I AM doing it now. Receive the fresh flow.
Leviticus 23:3 (NLT) “You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of complete rest, an official day for holy assembly. It is the LORD’s Sabbath day, and it must be observed wherever you live.
Beloved, I created you and I know well your inner workings. Just as a car comes with a manual so you know how to take care of it in a way to keep it in the best condition, so I have instructed you in My Word about how you should live. I have not created this structure to exert needless control, but rather because having made you, I know what you need in order to be your best, and I have instructed you accordingly.
Resist the urge to neglect the rest you need. I have instructed you that six days you may work, but should set aside the seventh for rest. It is not wasteful to observe the sabbath. It is needful. Pause for times of refreshing in My presence. Pause for times of fellowship with the Body. Pause simply to rest. Make time for sabbath rest and see how you flourish.
Exodus 31:3 (AMP) I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom and skill, in understanding and intelligence, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship,
Beloved, I have gifted you not just with wisdom, but with an understanding of what to do with that wisdom. When I grant you insight, you understand what is to be done with it. When I gift you with an idea, you understand how to execute it. Acknowledge the source of that understanding, for it flows from Me alone.
Cherish the gift you have been given. Share it liberally with others in the Body. Simply because it comes easily to you does not mean it is of no value, it is a gift; therefore, recognize it as one. With reverence and honor flow in My Spirit of Understanding.
And, beloved, if you feel as though you lack understanding, ask Me for it. For you know I AM a generous God and I love to bless My children. So ask in faith and expectantly wait to receive.