Make Me Your Choice

Psalm 25:14 (VOICE) ONLY those who stand in awe of the Eternal will have intimacy with Him, and He will reveal His covenant to them.

Beloved, go deeper. Refuse to settle for a surface level relationship with Me. See Me as I AM. Stand in reverential awe. Desperately seeking to know Me. Pursue Me as a priceless jewel. Wrestle for My blessing. Refuse to give up. Be relentless. Bare yourself to Me. Yes, I AM omniscient, but choose to share all the parts of your heart with Me. Make Me your choice.

Choose Me because I chose you. Each sliver of your heart is priceless to Me. I cannot get enough. I’m wild about you! I love to share My thoughts, mysteries, and promises with those who seek Me wholeheartedly. Let that be you. Hold nothing back and refuse to be sidetracked or deterred. Be unshakable in your pursuit and outpouring of love for Me.

Unfailing Love

John 10:11 (AMP) I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His [own] life for the sheep.

Beloved, I love you with a sacrificial love. No cost is too great nor effort too much where you are concerned. There is no length I wouldn’t go for you (nor one I haven’t gone to already). You are Mine – My heart and the apple of My eye.

I have much patience for you, beloved. You need never fear I’ll grow tired of your shortcomings or lose patience with your hesitations, I know your heart intimately. I understand the whys behind every fear and failure, and I love you in the midst of them all. I remain steadfastly by your side. You will never wear Me out or exasperate Me. I AM with you and I AM for you. Place your hand in Mine, beloved, and simply follow My lead.

Constant Communion

Philippians 1:4 (VOICE) My spirit is lightened with joy whenever I pray for you and I do constantly

Beloved, keep your heart in an attitude of prayer always – in constant communion with Me. Stay tuned into My voice. Ready and awaiting My instruction. My sheep know My voice and another’s they will not follow, so trust that you will hear Me and hear Me rightly.

Freedom and refreshing are found in My presence. Be strengthened and restored with My joy. Listen intently for My still small voice directing you, “this is the way, walk ye in it.” My desire for you to know My heart exceeds your desire to hear, so trust that I will make clear My thoughts when you earnestly desire to know them.

Be Insatiable for Me

Psalm 63:1 (VOICE) O True God, You are my God, the One whom I trust. I seek You with every fiber of my being. In this dry and weary land with no water in sight, my soul is dry and longs for You. My body aches for You, for Your presence.

Beloved, hunger and thirst for Me. Understand I AM your true sustenance and the only one who satisfies. Long for Me as though your thirst will never be quenched – be insatiable for Me. For though I satisfy, there is always more – new depths, new heights, fresh revelations – continuously pursue My heart.

Refuse to settle for less. Refuse to be content with weak substitutes. Refuse to let man made visions replace downloads from My throne for nothing compares to Me. I AM worth the pursuit. I AM worth the effort, worth building a relationship with. Nothing can satisfy you like I can. Refuse to settle for second best, instead only content yourself with Me.

Rest in the Knowledge You are Mine

Isaiah 43:1 (TLB) But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.

Beloved, can you hear Me calling you? Your name on My lips – sweet as honey and precious to Me. You are Mine. I have called you My own. I have ransomed you. The price has already been paid. Let your heart rejoice in the grace extended to you. Revel in it, beloved, for My mercy is a gift – an extension of My great love for you.

My perfect love leaves no room for fear. When you truly know Me, you know I fiercely love My children and jealously guard them. I stay close in times of trouble, and comfort in times of mourning. I will never leave you. I created you for My pleasure, beloved, and you do please Me. Rest in the knowledge you are Mine.

Trust Me to Know You

Matthew 7:11 (NLT) So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.

Beloved, I love to lavish My children with good gifts. I AM YHVH Bore, the Lord your Creator. I know how I’ve made you and the details of how I’ve wired you. I know your desires and the things that bring you joy. I know you even better than you know yourself. Trust that I know what will fulfill you.

Yield to Me. Ask Me for the good gifts I would have you have rather than persistently petitioning your wants. There will definitely be times those two things align, but I see things from a vantage point you don’t (and indeed cannot), so there are things I know will bless you beyond measure that are not even in your purview.

Trust Me and trust My heart for you. I AM and I AM the rewarder of those who diligently seek Me. Open your hands and heart to receive the blessings and gifts I have for you. Continue reading “Trust Me to Know You”

Let My Touch on Your Life Testify

Psalm 103:5 (AMPC) Who satisfies your mouth [your necessity and desire at your personal age and situation] with good so that your youth, renewed, is like the eagle’s [strong, overcoming, soaring]!

Beloved, allow My word to satisfy you as the choicest meat and richest honey. And My Spirit to refresh and restore you. Be saturated and rejuvenated in My presence. Allow Me to buoy you – lifting and strengthening you – you are an overcomer!

Let My touch on your life testify to My goodness, announcing to the world that I AM fulfilling, revitalizing, and sustaining. Let My joy radiate from your face that the lightness of your countenance might attest to My love for My children. Let your expectation of good cause you to shine like a beacon of hope in the darkness, for I AM good and I relish delighting Myself in you.

I AM Good

Psalm 143:10 (TLB) Help me to do your will, for you are my God. Lead me in good paths, for your Spirit is good.

Beloved, one truth you can always rest in is the knowledge I AM good. My heart is good. My intentions are good. My plans for you are good. The very definition of the word is based on My character: righteous, just, honorable, true, honest, upright, virtuous – I AM all this and more!

Because of all I AM, there is none more trustworthy than Me. You need not wonder if you can release your perceived control to My hands, for there is no doubt that I AM good. I cherish you and have good plans for you. They may not always be easy, but walk them through hand-in-hand with Me knowing in the end you will see they are good.

Allow My Spirit to Saturate You

Song of Solomon 4:15 (VOICE) My bride, you are a fountain in a garden, a well of life-giving water flowing down from Lebanon.

Beloved, you are a well of life – deep and true – your capacity great, your water fresh and pure. Allow the life within you to gurgle up and overflow bringing life to all those around you. Tender shoots of green and brilliant colors of wildflower life surrounding you.

Feed on Me in our times alone. Allow Me to nourish and replenish you, beloved, that your well will never run dry. Wait on Me. Soak in My presence. Abide in Me. Allow My Spirit to overtake you and saturate your soul.

Silk: My Carrier of Peace

The name of this silk is My Carrier of Peace (also read the testimony about this silk Peace Breakthrough). The colors in it are:

  • Sky blue representing open heaven and rain
  • Electric blue representing intensity
  • Brandy representing rich life coming forth from the dry places
  • Black representing Shadow of the Almighty and hovering of Holy Spirit
  • Silver representing armor of God and righteousness
  • Pearl representing angelic presence and divine light

Continue reading “Silk: My Carrier of Peace”